Research projects

UCCS participates in numerous regional, national, European and international research projects. You will find in these pages under construction information about our current projects, but also about some emblematic projects completed.

Feel free to visit often to discover new content as you go!

The Europe section will describe our main projects projects financed through european fundings such as H2020 projects, actions under the INTERREG program and the Marie-Curie projects.

The International page, which you will also find in the dedicated menu, describes our ongoing projects with researchers around the world. These are often bilateral collaborative projects supported by the ANR or the PHC program.

The pages dedicated to national projects are subdivided on the basis of financing instruments (PIA, ANR, ITE, I-SITE, etc.).

Region Hauts-de-France actively supports the projects carried out at UCCS.

Finally, the UCCS has for a long time forged a very strong industrial partnership.


The following figure provides a schematic representation of major projects (non exhaustive) since 2013. For more details, click on the different sectors.


UCCS Projects National International projects European Regional projects Industrial Projects