Thèmes de recherche
- Nouveaux oxydes à valence mixte fonctionnalisés : caractérisation des relations-structures propriétés de composés oxydes de métaux de transition inédits et de structure originale. Applications visées : matériaux d’électrodes ( pour systèmes type SOFC) ; Propriétés magnétiques particulières (matériaux pour l’électronique de spin) ; Nouveaux matériaux ferroélectriques.
- Composés magnétiques de basse dimensionnalité : étude du magnétisme particulier de composés « UCCS » chaines, échelles, plans … de spins) à base de Cu2+, V4+, ….
- Design de nouveaux matériaux : De la prédiction structurale au nouveau matériau par assemblage de sous-unités structurales (phosphates, oxydes, oxo-halogénures …)
Recherches actuelles
Intercroissances de blocs magnétiques : il s’agit de la conception de nouveaux oxydes par assemblage de motifs structuraux élémentaires. Le but affiché de ce travail est le contrôle et la modulation des propriétés magnétiques/électroniques d’un composé complexe, par conservation des propriétés propres des différents motifs assemblés. Actuellement, nous nous intéressons à la pos sibilité de préparer des matériaux de type « vanne de spin » intéressants pour le stockage des informations. Il s’agit de concevoir des intercroissanec « naturelles » de blocs …magn/non-magn/magn … dont le transport électronique est dépendant de la polarisation ou non des spins électroniques, sous l’effet d’un champ magnétique externe

Nouveaux oxydes pour l’énergie : Une grande part de mes activités de recherche concerne la synthèse et la caractérisation (structure, propriétés …) de nouveaux oxydes d’un métal de transition à degré d’oxydation multiple susceptible d’induire une conductivité électronique au matériau. De fait, l’existence au sein de la même phase d’une mobilité électronique importante et d’une conductivité anionique ferait du matériau considéré un excellent candidat comme matériaux d’électrode dans des membranes séparatrices semi-perméables. La caractérisation électrochimique de dépots minces de ce type de phases sur des électrolytes solides (YSZ, CGO, …) nous a récemment conduit à privilégier l’étude de la phase Ba2Co9O14 qui s’avère prometteuse.

Phosphates de bismuth non-centrosymétriques : L’étude de systèmes ternaires Bi2O3-P2O5-MxOy a permis d’identifier des sous unités structurales bi-dimensionnelles (2D), qui à partir d’une taille critique, possédent une symétrie propre dite « non-centrosymmétrique ». Les matériaux conçus conservent cette particularité et sont donc des composés, particulièrement séduisants pour ls aplications liés à l’optique non-linéaire (doubleur de fréquence …).

Nouvelles phases de basse Dimensionnalité : Ici, je m’intéresse aux relations structures -propriétés dans des matériaux mettant en jeu des agencements particuliers de cations magnétiques (Cu2+, V4+ …). Le but est de comprendre et de quantifier les différents couplages magnétiques en compétition. Par exemple, très récemment nous avons mis en évidence l’existence ou non d’un « gap de spin » magnétique dans le système BiCu2(P1-xVx)O6. En effet, suivant la valeur de x, la structure du composé est modulée ou non, ce qui conduit à un élargissement ou non du spectre d’excitation magnétique. A ce niveau, il nous est nécessaire de comprendre l’origine du « spin-gap » dans BiCu2PO6 qui s’avére en fait un système très particulier de chaines frustrées quasi-isolées.

Cristallochimie de nouveaux hétéropolyanions : Ce travail consiste en la détermination structurales d’espèces de type HPA cristallisés. Ces phases sont des précurseurs efficaces de catalyseurs et la bonne connaissance de la teneur relative des métaux en compétition dans l’architecture HPA est essentielle.

Parcours de recherche
1990-1991 : DEA Spectro chimie, UST Lille
1991-1994 : Thèse de doctorat, LCPS, ENSCL (dir. Recherche : F. Abraham)
1994-1995 : ATER, UST Lille
1995-1996 : Postdoc, UT Texas, Austin, USA (groupe du Pr. H. Steinfink)
1996-2006 : Chargé de Recherche au CNRS, LCPS, UMR 8012, Villeneuve d’Ascq
2004 : Habilitation à diriger les Recherches
Publications in the database: 124 (since 2007) 2023- Multivalued Memory via Freezing of Super‐Hard Magnetic Domains in a Quasi 2D‐Magnet.
Mentré Olivier, Leclercq Bastien, Arevalo‐Lopez Angel M., Pautrat Alain, Petit Sylvain, Minaud Claire, Daviero‐Minaud Sylvie, Hovhannisyan Razmik A., Stolyarov Vasily S. Small Methods, vol. 7 (2023) DOI - CoVO3 High‐Pressure Polymorphs: To Order or Not to Order?.
Solana‐Madruga Elena, Mentré Olivier, Tsirlin Alexander A., Huvé Marielle, Khalyavin Dmitry, Ritter Clemens, Arévalo‐López Angel Moisés. Advanced Science, (2023) DOI 2020- Multiferroic BaCoX2O7(X = P, As) Compounds with Incommensurate Structural Waves but Collinear Spin Ingredients
Leclercq Bastien, Arévalo‐López Angel M., Kabbour Houria, Daviero‐Minaud Sylvie, Pautrat Alain, Basu Tathamay, Colin Claire V., Das Ranjana‐Rani, David Rénald, Mentré Olivier. Advanced Quantum Technologies, pg. 2000064 (2020) DOI 2019- Hemisynthesis, crystal structure and inhibitory effect of sesquiterpenic thiosemicarbazones and thiazolidin-4-ones on the corrosion behaviour of stainless steel in 1 M H2SO4 solution.
Bimoussa Abdoullah, Koumya Yassine, Abouelfida Abdesselam, Ait Itto Moulay Youssef, Benyaich Abdelaziz, Mentre Olivier, Ketatni El Mostafa, Auhmani Aziz, Auhmani Abdelwahed. Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, vol. 75, pg. 623-632 (2019) DOI - The Ba10S(VO3S)6 Oxysulfide: One-Dimensional Structure and Mixed Anion Chemical Bonding.
Nicoud Sarah, Mentré Olivier, Kabbour Houria. Inorganic Chemistry, (2019) DOI 2018- Molecular approach to prepare mixed MoW alumina supported hydrotreatment catalysts using H4SiMonW12−nO40 heteropolyacids.
Nikulshina M. S., Blanchard P., Mozhaev A., Lancelot C., Griboval-Constant A., Fournier M., Payen E., Mentré O., Briois V., Nikulshin P. A., Lamonier C. Catalysis Science < Technology, vol. 8, pg. 5557-5572 (2018) DOI - A NASICON-Type Positive Electrode for Na Batteries with High Energy Density: Na4
Chen Fan, Kovrugin Vadim M., David Rénald, Mentré Olivier, Fauth François, Chotard Jean-Noël, Masquelier Christian. Small Methods, pg. 1800218 (2018) DOI - Nanometric Nickel Exsolution in the Hexagonal Perovskite Ba8Ta6NiO24: Survey of the Structural, Magnetic and Catalytic features.
Pussacq T, Mentré O, Tessier F, Löfberg A, Huvé M, Guerrerro-Caballero J, Colis S, Kabbour H. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 766, pg. 987-993 (2018) DOI - Undulated oxo-centered layers in PbLn 3 O 4 (VO 4 ) (Ln= La and Nd) and relationship with Nd 4 O 4 (GeO 4 ).
Colmont Marie, Mentré Olivier, Henry Natacha, Pautrat Alain, Leclercq Bastien, Capet Frédéric, Djelal Nora, Roussel Pascal. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 260, pg. 101-105 (2018) DOI - Compressibility of BiCu2PO6: Polymorphism against S = 1/2 Magnetic Spin Ladders.
Colmont Marie, Darie Céline, Tsirlin Alexander A., Jesche Anton, Colin Claire, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 57, pg. 6038-6044 (2018) DOI 2017- Bonding Scheme and Optical Properties in BiM2
) (M=Cd, Mg, Zn); Experimental and Theoretical Analysis.
Olchowka J., Mentré O., Kabbour H., Colmont M., Adlung M., Suta M., Wickleder C. Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 23, pg. 15694-15703 (2017) DOI - A comprehensive study of magnetic exchanges in the layered oxychalcogenides Sr 3 Fe 2 O 5 Cu 2 Q 2 ( Q = S, Se).
Lü Minfeng, Mentré Olivier, Gordon Elijah E., Whangbo Myung-Hwan, Wattiaux Alain, Duttine Mathieu, Tiercelin Nicolas, Kabbour Houria. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 444, pg. 147-153 (2017) DOI - Complex tunnel structure of new La 6 (Mo 2 O 7 )(MoO 4 ) 8 : crystal growth from flux and high structural complexity.
Colmont Marie, Leclercq Bastien, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Mendeleev Communications, vol. 27, pg. 592-594 (2017) DOI - The first lead cobalt phosphite, PbCo2(HPO3)3.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Colmont Marie, Siidra Oleg I., Krivovichev Sergey V., Colis Silviu, Mentré Olivier. Dalton Transactions, vol. 46, pg. 12655-12662 (2017) DOI - Comprehensive Study of Oxygen Storage in YbFe2O4+x (x ≤ 0.5): Unprecedented Coexistence of FeOn Polyhedra in One Single Phase.
Nicoud Sarah, Huvé Marielle, Hernandez Olivier, Pautrat Alain, Duttine Mathieu, Wattiaux Alain, Colin Claire, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 139, pg. 17031-17043 (2017) DOI - Reduction of Ln2Ti2O7 Layered Perovskites: A Survey of the Anionic Lattice, Electronic Features, and Potentials.
Pussacq Tanguy, Kabbour Houria, Colis Silviu, Vezin Hervé, Saitzek Sébastien, Gardoll Olivier, Tassel Cédric, Kageyama Hiroshi, Laberty Robert Christel, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 29, pg. 1047-1057 (2017) DOI - Topochemical Reduction of YMnO3 into a Composite Structure.
Kabbour Houria, Gauthier Gilles H., Tessier Franck, Huvé Marielle, Pussacq Tanguy, Roussel Pascal, Hayward Michael A., Moreno B. Zulma L., Marinova Maya, Colmont Marie, Colis Silviu, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 56, pg. 8547-8553 (2017) DOI - Original oxo-centered bismuth oxo-arsenates; critical effect of PO4 for AsO4 substitution.
Olchowka J., Colmont M., Aliev A., Tran T. Thao, Halasyamani P. Shiv, Hagemann H., Mentré O. CrystEngComm, vol. 19, pg. 936-945 (2017) DOI - Synthesis and crystal structure of β-CuSe2O5, a new polymorph of copper diselenite.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Kornyakov Ilya V., Gurzhiy Vladislav V., Siidra Oleg I., Colmont Marie, Mentré Olivier, Krivovichev Sergey V. Mendeleev Communications, vol. 27, pg. 61-63 (2017) DOI - Bismuth and vanadate activators in BiMVO 5 (M=Ca, Mg, Cd) phases: Structural, electronic and optical specificities.
Olchowka Jacob, Colmont Marie, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 709, pg. 373-380 (2017) DOI - Original positively charged nanoflakes by liquid exfoliation of layered oxybromide cobaltites.
Blazquez-Alcover I., Huvé M., Mocuta C., Thiaudière D., Roussel P., Pautrat A., Mentré O., Daviero-Minaud S. CrystEngComm, (2017) DOI - Pathways for synthesis of new selenium-containing oxo-compounds: Chemical vapor transport reactions, hydrothermal techniques and evaporation method.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Colmont Marie, Siidra Oleg I., Gurzhiy Vladislav V., Krivovichev Sergey V., Mentré Olivier. Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 457, pg. 307-313 (2017) DOI 2016- Des Oxydes et des blocs magnétiques: Approche expérimentale et théorique.
Kabbour H, mentré Olivier. Actualité Chimique, vol. 413, pg. 26 (2016) - Ethyl 4,6-dimethyl-3-oxo-2-phenyl-3,7-dihydro-2H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine-5-carboxylate monohydrate.
Akhramez Soufiane, Hafid Abderrafia, Khouili Mostafa, Ketatni El Mostafa, Mentré Olivier. IUCrData, vol. 1 (2016) DOI - A Performant Dry Reforming Catalytic System Elaborated from the Reductive Decomposition of BaNi2
Guerrero-Caballero Jesus, Löfberg Axel, Mentré Olivier, Kane Tanushree, Pussacq Tanguy, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Trentesaux Martine, Gardoll Olivier, Kabbour Houria. ChemistrySelect, vol. 1, pg. 5633-5637 (2016) DOI - Butyl 2-[(azidocarbonyl)amino]benzoate.
Yassine Hasna, Khouili Mostafa, Hafid Abderrafia, Mentre Olivier, Ketatni El Mostafa. IUCrData, vol. 1 (2016) DOI - Ethyl 2-[(azidocarbonyl)amino]benzoate.
Yassine Hasna, Hafid Abderrafia, Khouili Mostafa, Mentre Olivier, Ketatni El Mostafa. IUCrData, vol. 1 (2016) DOI - Common Building Motifs in Ba2Fe3(PO4)4·2H2O, BaFe3(PO4)3,and Na3Fe3(PO4)4: Labile Fe2+/Fe3+Ordering and Charge-Dependent Magnetism.
David Rénald, Pautrat Alain, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 55, pg. 4354-4361 (2016) DOI - Copper(II) coordination chain complex with the 2,5-bis(2-pyridyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole ligand and an asymmetric μ2-1,1-azido double-bridged: Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties.
Laachir Abdelhakim, Guesmi Salaheddine, Saadi Mohamed, El Ammari Lahcen, Mentré Olivier, Vezin Hervé, Colis Silviu, Bentiss Fouad. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1123, pg. 400-406 (2016) DOI - Lead Oxychloride Borates Obtained under Extreme Conditions.
Siidra Oleg I., Kabbour Houria, Mentre Olivier, Nazarchuk Evgeny V., Kegler Philip, Zinyakhina Diana O., Colmont Marie, Depmeier Wulf. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 55, pg. 9077-9084 (2016) DOI - ABiO2X (A = Cd, Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb; X = halogen)SillenX1 Series: Polymorphism Versus Optical Properties.
Olchowka Jacob, Kabbour Houria, Colmont Marie, Adlung Matthias, Wickleder Claudia, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 55, pg. 7582-7592 (2016) DOI - Dimers of oxocentred [OCu4]6+ tetrahedra in two novel copper selenite chlorides, K[Cu3O](SeO3)2Cl and Na2[Cu7O2] (SeO3)4Cl4, and related minerals and inorganic compounds.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Colmont Marie, Mentré Olivier, Siidra Oleg I., Krivovichev Sergey V. Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 80, pg. 227-238 (2016) DOI - Exploration of Vanadate Selenites Solid Phase Space, Crystal Structures, and Polymorphism.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Colmont Marie, Siidra Oleg I., Krivovichev Sergey V., Mentré Olivier. Crystal Growth < Design, vol. 16, pg. 3113-3123 (2016) DOI - Ca3Co4O9+δ, a growing potential SOFC cathode material: Impact of the layer composition and thickness on the electrochemical properties.
Rolle Aurélie, Mohamed Hussien Ahmed Abbas, Huo Da, Capoen Edouard, Mentré Olivier, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Boukamp Bernard A. Solid State Ionics, vol. 294, pg. 21-30 (2016) DOI - Bonding Scheme, Hydride Character, and Magnetic Paths of (HPO3)2–Versus (SeO3)2–Building Units in Solids.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Gordon Elijah E., Kasapbasi Esra E., Whangbo Myung-Hwan, Colmont Marie, Siidra Oleg I., Colis Silviu, Krivovichev Sergey V., Mentré Olivier. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 120 (3), pg. 1650-1656 (2016) DOI 2015- Discovery of a Sodium-Ordered Form of Na3V2(PO4)3below Ambient Temperature.
Chotard Jean-Noël, Rousse Gwenaëlle, David Rénald, Mentré Olivier, Courty Matthieu, Masquelier Christian. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 27, pg. 5982-5987 (2015) DOI - Selective Metal Exsolution in BaFe2–yMy(PO4)2(M = Co2+, Ni2+) Solid Solutions.
Blazquez Alcover Ignacio, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, David Rénald, Filimonov Dmitry, Huvé Marielle, Attfield J. Paul, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 54, pg. 8733-8743 (2015) DOI - Structural Evolution from 0D Units to 3D Frameworks in Pb Oxyhalides: Unexpected Strongly Corrugated Layers in Pb7O6Br2.
Siidra Oleg I., Gogolin Mathias, Lukina Evgeniya A., Kabbour Houria, Bubnova Rimma S., Mentré Olivier, Agakhanov Atali A., Krivovichev Sergey V., Colmont Marie, Gesing Thorsten. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 54, pg. 11550-11556 (2015) DOI - Synthesis, crystal structure, high-temperature behavior and magnetic properties of CoBiO(AsO4), a Co analogue of paganoite.
Aliev Almaz, Kozin Michael S., Colmont Marie, Siidra Oleg I., Krivovichev Sergey V., Mentré Olivier. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, vol. 42, pg. 663-670 (2015) DOI - [NaCl][Cu(HSeO3)2], NaCl-intercalated Cu(HSeO3)2: synthesis, crystal structure and comparison with related compounds.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Krivovichev Sergey V., Mentré Olivier, Colmont Marie. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, vol. 230, pg. 573-577 (2015) DOI - Oxocentered Cu(ii) lead selenite honeycomb lattices hosting Cu(i)Cl2groups obtained by chemical vapor transport reactions.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Colmont Marie, Siidra Oleg I., Mentré Olivier, Al-Shuray Alexander, Gurzhiy Vladislav V., Krivovichev Sergey V. Chemical Communications, vol. 51, pg. 9563-9566 (2015) DOI - pH Controlled Pathway and Systematic Hydrothermal Phase Diagram for Elaboration of Synthetic Lead Nickel Selenites.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Colmont Marie, Terryn Christine, Colis Silviu, Siidra Oleg I., Krivovichev Sergey V., Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 54, pg. 2425-2434 (2015) DOI - Emulating exhalative chemistry: synthesis and structural characterization of ilinskite, Na[Cu5O2](SeO3)2Cl3, and its K-analogue.
Kovrugin Vadim M., Siidra Oleg I., Colmont Marie, Mentré Olivier, Krivovichev Sergey V. Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 109, pg. 421-430 (2015) DOI - BaCoO2.22: the most oxygen-deficient certified cubic perovskite.
Mentré Olivier, Iorgulescu Mihaela, Huvé Marielle, Kabbour Houria, Renaut Nicolas, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Colis Silviu, Roussel Pascal. Dalton Trans., vol. 44, pg. 10728-10737 (2015) DOI - Reversible Exsolution of Nanometric Fe2O3Particles in BaFe2–x(PO4)2(0 ≤x≤ 2/3): The Logic of Vacancy Ordering in Novel Metal-Depleted Two-Dimensional Lattices.
Alcover Ignacio Blazquez, David Rénald, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Filimonov Dmitry, Huvé Marielle, Roussel Pascal, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Crystal Growth < Design, vol. 15, pg. 4237-4247 (2015) DOI - Niobium-Containing Lindqvist Isopolyanions [NbxW6-xO19](2+x)-Used as Precursors for Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts with Isomerization Properties.
Bouadjadja-Rohan Karolina, Lancelot Christine, Fournier Michel, Bonduelle-Skrzypczak Audrey, Hugon Antoine, Mentré Olivier, Lamonier Carole. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 2015, pg. 2067-2075 (2015) DOI - Novel La3Fe(MoO4)6phase: magnetic properties and ethanol reactivity.
Colmont Marie, Bucataru Georgiana, Borowiec Anita, Capron Mickaël, Dumeignil Franck, Huvé Marielle, Capet Frédéric, Damay Françoise, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Dalton Trans., vol. 44, pg. 14444-14452 (2015) DOI - Influence of the synthesis route on the formation of 12R/10H-polytypes and their magnetic properties within the Ba(Ce,Mn)O3family.
Macías Mario A., Mentré Olivier, Pirovano Caroline, Roussel Pascal, Colis Silviu, Gauthier Gilles H. New J. Chem., vol. 39, pg. 829-835 (2015) DOI 2014- Magnetic Structure of Ground and Field Induced Ordered States of Low-Dimensional γ-CoV2O6.
Lenertz M., Dinia A., Colis S., Mentré O., André G., Porcher F., Suard E. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 118, pg. 13981-13987 (2014) DOI - Two-Orbital Three-Electron Stabilizing Interaction for Direct Co2+As3+Bonds involving Square-Planar CoO4in BaCoAs2O5.
David Rénald, Kabbour Houria, Pautrat Alain, Touati Nadia, Whangbo Myung-Hwan, Mentré Olivier. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 53, pg. 3111-3114 (2014) DOI - Keggin (K5, H3O)[SiV3W9O40H]·xH2O: Characterization and crystal structure.
Bonfim Rodrigo de Paiva Floro, de Moura Luiza Cristina, Eon Jean-Guillaume, Mentré Olivier, Vezin Hervé, Caldarelli Stefano. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 213, pg. 9-16 (2014) DOI - Revised Bismuth Chloroselenite System: Evidence of a Noncentrosymmmetric Structure with a Giant Unit Cell.
Aliev Almaz, Kovrugin V. M., Colmont Marie, Terryn Christine, Huvé Marielle, Siidra O. I., Krivovichev S. V., Mentré Olivier. Crystal Growth < Design, vol. 14, pg. 3026-3034 (2014) DOI - Revised Bi/M Layered Oxo-Sulfate (M = Co, Cu): A Structural and Magnetic Study.
Lü Minfeng, Colmont Marie, Kabbour Houria, Colis Silviu, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 53, pg. 6969-6978 (2014) DOI - Investigation of New Alkali Bismuth Oxosulfates and Oxophosphates with Original Topologies of Oxo-Centered Units.
Lü Minfeng, Colmont Marie, Huvé Marielle, De Waele Isabelle, Terryn Christine, Aliev Almaz, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 53, pg. 12058-12065 (2014) DOI - Triple CoII, III, IVcharge ordering and spin states in modular cobaltites: a systematization through experimental and virtual compounds.
David R., Kabbour H., Bordet P., Pelloquin D., Leynaud O., Trentesaux M., Mentré O. J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 2, pg. 9457-9466 (2014) DOI - Reversible Topochemical Exsolution of Iron in BaFe2+2(PO4)2.
David Rénald, Kabbour Houria, Filimonov Dmitry, Huvé Marielle, Pautrat Alain, Mentré Olivier. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 53, pg. 13365-13370 (2014) DOI - Use of Precession Electron and X Powder for solution and refinement of materials.
Colmont Marie, Palatinus Lukas, Huvé Marielle, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, vol. 70, pg. C927-C927 (2014) DOI - Effect of praseodymium and europium doping in La1−xLnxMnO3+δ (Ln: Pr or Eu, 0≤x≤1) perosvkite catalysts for total methane oxidation.
Najjar Hend, Batis Habib, Lamonier Jean-François, Mentré Olivier, Giraudon Jean-Marc. Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 469, pg. 98-107 (2014) DOI - Labile Degree of Disorder in Bismuth-Oxophosphate Compounds: Illustration through Three New Structural Types.
Aliev A., Endara D., Huvé M., Colmont M., Roussel P., Delevoye L., Tran T.T., Halasyamani P.S., Mentré O. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 53, pg. 861-871 (2014) DOI - Multidimensional Open-Frameworks: Combinations of One-Dimensional Channels and Two-Dimensional Layers in Novel Bi/M Oxo-Chlorides.
Lü Minfeng, Aliev Almaz, Olchowka Jacob, Colmont Marie, Huvé Marielle, Wickleder Claudia, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 53, pg. 528-536 (2014) DOI - Sr4Ru6ClO18, a new Ru4+/5+ oxy-chloride, solved by precession electron diffraction: Electric and magnetic behavior.
Roussel Pascal, Palatinus Lukas, Belva Frédéric, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Mentre Olivier, Huve Marielle. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 212, pg. 99-106 (2014) DOI 2013- Anion-Centered Tetrahedra in Inorganic Compounds.
Krivovichev Sergey V., Mentré Olivier, Siidra Oleg I., Colmont Marie, Filatov Stanislav K. Chemical Reviews, vol. 113, pg. 6459-6535 (2013) DOI - New [PbBi2O4][Bi2O2]Cl2and [PbnBi10-nO13][Bi2O2]nCl4+nSeries by Association of Sizable Subunits: Relationship with Arppe’s Compound Bi24O31Cl10and Luminescence Properties.
Aliev A., Olchowka J., Colmont M., Capoen E., Wickleder C., Mentré O. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 52, pg. 8427-8435 (2013) DOI - Novel bismuth oxophosphate halides [Bi8O8][BiO2](PO4)2X (X=Cl, Br) based on oxocentered 2D blocks and their relationships to the Aurivillius phases.
Kozin Michael S., Aliev Almaz, Colmont Marie, Mentré Olivier, Siidra Oleg I., Krivovichev Sergey V. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 199, pg. 56-61 (2013) DOI - Phase homology in new layered mixed Li, M (M=Mg, Cu, Cd, Pb, Bi) bismuth oxophosphates and oxoarsenates.
Kozin M.S., Colmont M., Endara D., Aliev A., Huvé M., Siidra O.I., Krivovichev S.V., Mentré O. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 199, pg. 123-128 (2013) DOI - Structure and magnetic properties of Ba5Ce1.25Mn3.75O15, a new 10H-polytype in the Ba–Ce–Mn–O system.
Macías Mario A., Mentré Olivier, Colis Silviu, Cuello Gabriel J., Gauthier Gilles H. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 198, pg. 186-191 (2013) DOI - Mixed metallic Ba(Co,Mn)X0.2−xO3−δ (X=F, Cl) hexagonal perovskites.
Iorgulescu Mihaela, Roussel Pascal, Tancret Nathalie, Renaut Nicolas, Tiercelin Nicolas, Mentré Olivier. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 198, pg. 210-217 (2013) DOI - Combustion synthesis of LaMn1−xAlxO3+δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1): tuning catalytic properties for methane deep oxidation.
Najjar Hend, Lamonier Jean-François, Mentré Olivier, Giraudon Jean-Marc, Batis Habib. Catalysis Science < Technology, vol. 3, pg. 1002 (2013) DOI - The low/room-temperature forms of the lithiated salt of 3,6-dihydroxy-2,5-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone: a combined experimental and dispersion-corrected density functional study.
Bonnard Gaëtan, Barrès Anne-Lise, Mentré Olivier, Allis Damian G., Gatti Carlo, Poizot Philippe, Frayret Christine. CrystEngComm, vol. 15, pg. 2809 (2013) DOI - Experimental and theoretical studies of tetramethoxy-p-benzoquinone: infrared spectra, structural and lithium insertion properties.
Bonnard Gaëtan, Barrès Anne-Lise, Danten Yann, Allis Damian G., Mentré Olivier, Tomerini Daniele, Gatti Carlo, Izgorodina Ekaterina I., Poizot Philippe, Frayret Christine. RSC Advances, vol. 3, pg. 19081 (2013) DOI - In situ surface treatment of nanocrystalline MFe2O4 (M=Co, Mg, Mn, Ni) spinel ferrites using linseed oil.
Gherca Daniel, Cornei Nicoleta, Mentré Olivier, Kabbour Houria, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Pui Aurel. Applied Surface Science, vol. 287, pg. 490-498 (2013) DOI - Magnetization Steps Promoted by Structural Modulation in BaCoX2O7(X = As, P).
David Rénald, Kabbour Houria, Colis Silviu, Pautrat Alain, Suard Emmanuelle, Mentré Olivier. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 117, pg. 18190-18198 (2013) DOI - Slow Spin Dynamics between Ferromagnetic Chains in a Pure-Inorganic Framework.
David Rénald, Kabbour Houria, Colis Silviu, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 52, pg. 13742-13750 (2013) DOI - Bi2O3–CuO–P2O5 system: Two novel compounds built from the intergrowths oxocentered polycationic 1D-ribbons.
Colmont Marie, Endara Diana, Aliev Almaz, Terryn Christine, Huvé Marielle, Mentré Olivier. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 203, pg. 266-272 (2013) DOI - Across the Structural Re-Entrant Transition in BaFe2(PO4)2: Influence of the Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetism.
David Rénald, Pautrat Alain, Filimonov Dmitry, Kabbour Houria, Vezin Hervé, Whangbo Myung-Hwan, Mentré Olivier. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 135, pg. 13023-13029 (2013) DOI - Puzzling Polymorphism of Layered Ba(CoPO4)2.
David Rénald, Kabbour Houria, Pautrat Alain, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 52, pg. 8732-8737 (2013) DOI 2012- Novel Tailormade Bi4MO4(PO4)2Structural Type (M = Mg, Zn).
Endara Diana, Colmont Marie, Huvé Marielle, Tricot Grégory, Carpentier Laurent, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, pg. 4438-4447 (2012) DOI - Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetism in the [Mn3+xO7][Bi4O4.5−y] Compound with a Maple-Leaf Lattice.
Aliev Almaz, Huvé Marielle, Colis Silviu, Colmont Marie, Dinia Aziz, Mentré Olivier. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 51, pg. 9393-9397 (2012) DOI - Inorganic Polar Blocks into Controlled Acentric Assemblies.
Endara D., Colmont M., Huvé M., Capet F., Lejay J., Aschehoug P., Mentré O. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, pg. 9557-9562 (2012) DOI - Evidence of the Current Collector Effect: Study of the SOFC Cathode Material Ca3Co4O9+δ.
Rolle A., Thoréton V., Rozier P., Capoen E., Mentré O., Boukamp B., Daviero-Minaud S. Fuel Cells, vol. 12, pg. 288-301 (2012) DOI - Fine Hierarchy of the V–O Bonds by Advanced Solid State NMR: Novel Pb4(VO2)(PO4)3Structure as a Textbook Case.
Tricot Grégory, Mentré Olivier, Cristol Sylvain, Delevoye Laurent. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, pg. 13108-13113 (2012) DOI - A Genuine Two-Dimensional Ising Ferromagnet with Magnetically Driven Re-entrant Transition.
Kabbour Houria, David Rénald, Pautrat Alain, Koo Hyun-Joo, Whangbo Myung-Hwan, André Gilles, Mentré Olivier. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, pg. n/a-n/a (2012) DOI - Investigation of microstructure in ferroelectric lead-free La2Ti2O7 thin film grown on (001)-SrTiO3 substrate.
Shao ZhenMian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Ferri Anthony, Mentré Olivier, Desfeux Rachel. CrystEngComm, vol. 14, pg. 6524 (2012) DOI - Mixed Metallic Ba(Co,Fe)X0.2O3−δ(X = F, Cl) Hexagonal Perovskites: Drastic Effect of Fe-Incorporation on Structural and Electronic Features.
Iorgulescu Mihaela, Roussel Pascal, Tancret Nathalie, Renault Nicolas, Porcher Florence, André Gilles, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, pg. 7598-7608 (2012) DOI - Magnetic structure of ground and field-induced ordered states of low-dimensional α-CoV_{2}O_{6}: Experiment and theory.
Lenertz M., Alaria J., Stoeffler D., Colis S., Dinia A., Mentré O., André G., Porcher F., Suard E. Physical Review B, vol. 86, pg. 214428 (2012) DOI - High-Potential Reversible Li Deintercalation in a Substituted Tetrahydroxy-p-benzoquinone Dilithium Salt: An Experimental and Theoretical Study.
Barrès Anne-Lise, Geng Joaquin, Bonnard Gaëtan, Renault Stéven, Gottis Sébastien, Mentré Olivier, Frayret Christine, Dolhem Franck, Poizot Philippe. Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 18, pg. 8800-8812 (2012) DOI 2011- Building 3D materials from adjustable 2D-units; towards the Design of new Bi-based compounds.
Colmont M., Endara D., Huvé M., Krivovichev S.V., Mentré O. MRS Proceedings, vol. 1309, pg. 15-20 (2011) DOI - [BaCoO3]n[BaCo8O11] Modular Intergrowths: Singularity of then= 2 Term.
David Rénald, Pautrat Alain, Kabbour Houria, Sturza Mihai, Curelea Sergiu, André Gilles, Pelloquin Denis, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 23, pg. 5191-5199 (2011) DOI - Optimisation of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) cathode material Ca3Co4O9−δ.
Rolle Aurélie, Boulfrad Samir, Nagasawa Kensaku, Nakatsugawa Hiroshi, Mentré Olivier, Irvine John, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie. Journal of Power Sources, vol. 196, pg. 7328-7332 (2011) DOI - Potentiality of Ba2Co9O14 as cathode material for IT-SOFC on various electrolytes.
Rolle Aurélie, Preux Nicolas, Ehora Ghislaine, Mentré Olivier, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie. Solid State Ionics, vol. 184, pg. 31-34 (2011) DOI - Microstructure and Nanoscale Piezoelectric/Ferroelectric Properties in La2Ti2O7 Thin Films Grown on (110)-Oriented Doped Nb:SrTiO3 Substrates.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Ferri Anthony, Bruyer Émilie, Sayede Adlane, Rguiti Mohamed, Mentré Olivier, Desfeux Rachel. Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 13, pg. 961-969 (2011) DOI - Optimization of the combustion synthesis towards efficient LaMnO3+y catalysts in methane oxidation.
Najjar Hend, Lamonier Jean-François, Mentré Olivier, Giraudon Jean-Marc, Batis Habib. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, (2011) DOI - α-Na3M2(PO4)3(M = Ti, Fe): Absolute Cationic Ordering in NASICON-Type Phases.
Kabbour Houria, Coillot Daniel, Colmont Marie, Masquelier Christian, Mentré Olivier. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 133, pg. 11900-11903 (2011) DOI - Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal decomposition of Cu(II), Co(II), Mn(II) complexes with hetero-ligands containing cysteic acid, 4,4’-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridine and azide.
Lehleh Asma, Beghidja Adel, Beghidja Chahrazed, Mentré Olivier, Welter Richard. Comptes Rendus Chimie, vol. 14, pg. 462-470 (2011) DOI - High Dilution of Anionic Vacancies in Sr0.8Ba0.2Fe(O,F)∼2.5.
Sturza Mihai, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Huvé Marielle, Renaut Nicolas, Tiercelin Nicolas, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 50, pg. 12499-12507 (2011) DOI - Unprecedented Robust Antiferromagnetism in Fluorinated Hexagonal Perovskites.
Sturza Mihai, Kabbour Houria, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Filimonov Dmitry, Pokholok Konstantin, Tiercelin Nicolas, Porcher Florence, Aldon Laurent, Mentré Olivier. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 133, pg. 10901-10909 (2011) DOI 2010- Electronic phase diagram of La0.54Sm0.11Ca 0.35CuxMn1-xO3 manganites.
Cornei N, Craus M -L, Lozovan M, Mentré O. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 12 (4), pg. 872-875 (2010) - Spin-Flop Transition and Magnetocaloric Effect through Disconnected Magnetic Blocks in CoIII/CoIVOxybromides.
Toulemonde Olivier, Roussel Pascal, Isnard Olivier, André Gilles, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 22, pg. 3807-3816 (2010) DOI - Structural and dielectric/ferroelectric properties of (La1−xNdx)2Ti2O7 synthesized by sol–gel route.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Mentré Olivier, Prihor Gheorghiu Felicia, Mitoseriu Liliana, Desfeux Rachel. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 183, pg. 1652-1662 (2010) DOI - Ethoxycarbonyl-Based Organic Electrode for Li-Batteries.
Walker Wesley, Grugeon Sylvie, Mentre Olivier, Laruelle Stéphane, Tarascon Jean-Marie, Wudl Fred. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 132, pg. 6517-6523 (2010) DOI - Heterobimetallic Ba–Co aminopolycarboxylate complexes as precursors for BaCoO3-δ oxides; towards a one-stage-deposition of cobaltite films.
Bulimestru Ion, Mentré Olivier, Tancret Nathalie, Rolle Aurélie, Djelal Nora, Burylo Laurence, Cornei Nicoleta, Popa Nelea, Gulea Aurelian. Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 20, pg. 10724 (2010) DOI - Ba8Co2Mn6ClO22, a quasi-1D hexagonal perovskite polytype containing new 8H-blocks.
Iorgulescu Mihaela, Kabbour Houria, Tancret Nathalie, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Chemical Communications, vol. 46, pg. 5271 (2010) DOI - Anion-Vacancy-Induced Magneto−Crystalline Anisotropy in Fluorine-Doped Hexagonal Cobaltites.
Mentré Olivier, Kabbour Houria, Ehora Ghislaine, Tricot Grégory, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Whangbo Myung-Hwan. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 132, pg. 4865-4875 (2010) DOI - Crystal structures and sodium/silver distributions within the ionic conductors Na5Ag2Fe3(As2O7)4 and Na2Ag5Fe3(P2O7)4.
Quarez Eric, Mentré Olivier, Djellab Karim, Masquelier Christian. New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, pg. 287 (2010) DOI - Structural investigation of composite phases Ba1 +x[(NaxMn1 –x)O3] withxapprox. 2/7, 5/17 and 1/3; exotic Mn4.5+valence.
Roussel Pascal, Perez Olivier, Quarez Eric, Leligny Henri, Mentré Olivier. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, vol. 225, pg. 1-11 (2010) DOI - Fluorination of Iron Hexagonal Perovskites Promoting Low Temperature Oxygen Mobility.
Sturza Mihai, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Kabbour Houria, Gardoll Olivier, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 22, pg. 6726-6735 (2010) DOI 2009- Building Units and Intergrowths: Toward the Design of an Extended Family of Acentric Bi-Based Materials with Second Harmonic Generacy.
Huvé Marielle, Colmont Marie, Lejay Julien, Aschehoug Patrick, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 21, pg. 4019-4029 (2009) DOI - Incommensurate spin correlation driven by frustration in BiCu2PO6.
Mentré O., Janod E., Rabu P., Hennion M., Leclercq-Hugeux F., Kang J., Lee C., Whangbo M.-H., Petit S. Physical Review B, vol. 80 (2009) DOI - Evidence of crystalline/glassy intermediates in bismuth phosphates.
Colmont Marie, Delevoye Laurent, Mentré Olivier. New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 33, pg. 19-22 (2009) DOI - An easy sol–gel route for deposition of oriented Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln=La, Nd) films on SrTiO3 substrates.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Desfeux Rachel, Mentré Olivier, Abraham Francis. Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 311, pg. 4134-4141 (2009) DOI - Ca3Co4O9−δ: A Thermoelectric Material for SOFC Cathode.
Nagasawa K., Daviero-Minaud S., Preux N., Rolle A., Roussel P., Nakatsugawa H., Mentré O. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 21, pg. 4738-4745 (2009) DOI - Electrochemical Reactivity of Lithium Chloranilate vs Li and Crystal Structures of the Hydrated Phases.
Chen Haiyan, Poizot Philippe, Dolhem Franck, Basir Nor Irwin, Tarascon Jean-Marie, Mentre olivier. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol. 12, pg. A102 (2009) DOI - Crystal structures of new silver ion conductors Ag7Fe3(X2O7)4 (X = P, As).
Quarez Eric, Mentré Olivier, Oumellal Yassine, Masquelier Christian. New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 33, pg. 998 (2009) DOI 2008- Synthesis, structural analysis and magnetic properties of Sc-doped Nd 0.8Sr0.2Mn1-xScxO3 manganites.
Cornei N, Mita C, Mentré O, Abraham F, Craus M -L. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 10 (12), pg. 3300-3304 (2008) - Rational Design of new oxo centred tetrahedra Bi-based compounds by Electron Microscopy.
Colmont Marie, Mentré Olivier, Huvé Marielle. Materials Research Society, vol. 1148, pg. 173-178 (2008) DOI - Synthesis and Structure of a Copper Complex of a Macrocyclic Ligand with Dissimilar HN+N(Amino)O2 and N2(Imino)O2 Inners.
Bouyagui Tamboura Farba, Mohamed Gaye, Marie Nedelec Jean, Mentre Olivier. Journal of Chemical Crystallography, vol. 38, pg. 471-474 (2008) DOI - Polymorphism and anionic vacancies in the Bi6(M,Bi)1P2(O,F)16−x Aurivillius derivatives.
Colmont Marie, Huvé Marielle, Ketatni El Mostafa, Mentré Olivier. Solid State Sciences, vol. 10, pg. 533-543 (2008) DOI - Ru-Pyrochlores: Compositional Tuning for Electrochemical Stability as Cathode Materials for IT-SOFCs.
Ehora G., Daviero-Minaud S., Steil M. C., Gengembre L., Frère M., Bellayer S., Mentré O. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 20, pg. 7425-7433 (2008) DOI - Overview of Electrons and Orbitals in a Nearly One-Dimensional Co3+/Co4+System.
Kauffmann Matthieu, Mentré Olivier, Legris Alexandre, Hébert Sylvie, Pautrat Alain, Roussel Pascal. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 20, pg. 1741-1749 (2008) DOI - Magnetic structure and analysis of the exchange interactions in BiMO(PO4) (M = Co, Ni).
Mentre O, Bouree F, Rodriguez-Carvajal J, El Jazouli A, El Khayati N, Ketatni El M. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 20, pg. 415211 (2008) DOI - Structure, dimensionality and magnetism of new cobalt oxyhalides.
Mentré Olivier, Kauffmann Matthieu, Ehora Ghislaine, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Abraham Francis, Roussel Pascal. Solid State Sciences, vol. 10, pg. 471-475 (2008) DOI - Investigation of the Vanadyl Bond Ordering and Analysis of the Spin Exchange Interactions in Pb2V3O9and Pb2As2VO9.
Mentre Olivier, Koo H.-J., Whangbo M.-H. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 20, pg. 6929-6938 (2008) DOI 2007- New BaCoO3-δPolytypes by Rational Substitution of O2-for F-.
Ehora Ghislaine, Renard Catherine, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 19, pg. 2924-2926 (2007) DOI - Ba2Co9O14: New Inorganic Building Blocks with Magnetic Ordering through Super-Super Exchanges Only.
Ehora Ghislaine, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Colmont Marie, André Gilles, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 19, pg. 2180-2188 (2007) DOI