Scopus AUT-ID: 6701491702
ResearcherID: B-5552-2012
ORCID: 0000-0002-8537-3011
HAL IdHal: axel-lofberg
- Head of Heterogeneous Catalysis Department of UCCS
- Vice-president of the French Chemical Society (SCF)
- Vice-Chair of the organizing committee of 18th ICC - Lyon 2024
Research themes
Selective oxidation of alkanes:
- Optimization of catalytic performances (conversion, selectivity) by redox decoupling: catalytic dense membrane reactor, periodic feed reactor (chemical looping)
- Catalytic wall reactor and structured reactors development
Current research
My research activity is in the "heterogeneous catalysis" department and more specifically in the VAALBIO team (VAlorization of ALkanes and Biomass). It is based on an approach integrating the development of catalytic materials and that of their implementation in original reactors for the upgrading of hydrocarbons through selective oxidation.
The principle of redox decoupling in selective oxidation catalysis has been implemented in catalytic dense membrane reactors and periodic feed reactors.
The development of catalytic dense membrane reactors has been the subject of a "transversal project" within the UCCS. It involved the study of the catalytic properties of dense membranes based on BiMeVOx or other oxide (O2-) oxide conductive materials for the selective oxidation of alkanes (CH4, C2H6, C3H8) or olefins (C2H4, C3H6). Using a reactor whose catalyst is shaped into a dense membrane (RCMD) makes it possible to decouple the two steps of the redox mechanism if the catalytic membrane is conducting by oxygen ion (O2-) and semiconductor n or p by exposing each face of the membrane to one of the reagents (hydrocarbon and oxidant). The objective was to promote the selectivity of the catalytic material by optimizing the use of the oxygen of the solid network. This work led to the defense of 2 PhD thesis (H. Bodet, 2007 and C. Kongmark, 2010) and 11 publications.
The use of a periodic feed reactor is an alternative for forcing the redox decoupling of a catalytic system. This mode of operation is commonly called "chemical looping". In this field, my work has mainly focused on the dry reforming of methane for the production of synthesis gas. This work is part of the development of unconventional sources of methane and in particular biogas. More recently, this operating principle has been extended to the selective oxidation of hydrogen sulphide for purification of biogas and / or natural gas. This work led to a PhD thesis (J. Guerrero, 2015) and another thesis is in progress as well as 2 publications and 2 patent applications.
Structured catalytic reactors are particularly interesting for carrying out exothermic reactions because the heat and mass transfers are better controlled than in conventional fixed bed reactors. Each catalyst / substrate / reaction system is a special case requiring a thorough study of the conditions of preparation, characterization and implementation. Among the systems studied, a V2O5 / TiO2 catalyst, whose applications in controlled oxidation of hydrocarbons (or in selective reduction of NOx) are well known, has been deposited on stainless steel surfaces or structures (metal plates / foams). This work has revealed certain disadvantages, in particular the migration of chemical species (in particular iron) from the substrate to the catalytic surface, which have necessitated the development of novel methods for producing catalytic coatings. Despite the complexity of the systems, we have been able to highlight their interest in improving the selectivity of structured reactors for propane ODH. This work led to the defense of two PhD theses (T. Giornelli, 2004 and A. Essakhi, 2012) and nine publications.

In addition, numerous works have been carried out in "conventional" catalysis, mainly for the valorization of alkanes by selective oxidation and dry reforming. This work is the result of collaborations either internal to the UCCS or national and international.
Training and research path
- 2013: Habilitation to Research Direction (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches-HDR), Université Lille 1 – December 19 2013, « Integrated approach catalysts / reactors for improved performance in selective oxidation of alkanes », Garant : Prof. E. Bordes-Richard
- 1996-1997: Post-doc at URA 402 (future UCCS) within the framework of an industrial contract (PetroFina) for the exploratory study of the properties of carbides and nitrides catalysts for hydrotreatment reactions
- 1996: PhD in Sciences (Chemistry) at Université Libre de Bruxelles
Main thesis: "Tungsten carbide in catalysis: study of the preparation of mass catalysts and their properties for alkane-deuterium reactions""
Adjunct thesis: "A microscopic and spectroscopic study in surface chemistry would elucidate the chemical state of the oxygen contained in the volume of the catalyst during the NO reduction reaction in oscillatory kinetic regime."
Thesis supervisor: Prof. A. Frennet
Prizes and Distinctions
Laureat of Stas Prize of the "Académie royale des Sciences, Lettres et Beaux-Arts de Belgique" (Decembre 1996)
Distingished member of the French Chemical Society (Société Chimique de France), 2015 promotion
Other activities
Comité national de la Recherche Scientifique (CoNRS):
- 2012-2016 : Elected member of section 14 "Coordination chemistry, catalysis, interfaces and processes".
- 2012-2016 : Elected member and Secretary of CID 50 commission "Research management".
- 2017-2020 : Nominated member and Secretary of CID 50 commission "Research management".
Société Chimique de France:
- 2015-2019: Secretary of the Hauts de France regional section
- Since July 2019: President of the Hauts de France regional section
- Since May 2016: Vice-président of the Catalysis Division
- Since November 2018: Member of the Administration Council
Organisation of international scientific meetings:
- General Secretary of 6WCOC « 6th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis » (Lille, 5-10 July 2009)
- General Secretary of Synfuel2012 (Munich, Allemagne, 29-30 June 2012)
- General Coordinator of SCF’15 « 2015 Congress of the French Chemical Society» (Lille, 4-9 July 2015)
- Member of the Organizing Committee and coordinator of the Catalysis Thematic of SCF’18 « 2018 Congress of the French Chemical Society » (Montpellier, 2-4 July 2018)
- Member of the Organizing committee of FCCat2019 "French Conference on Catalysis" (Fréjus, 3-7 June 2019)
- Member of the Steering Committee of the French candidature to host ICC in 2024:
- Since 2014: « Communication » Correspondent of UCCS
- Since 2015: « ZRR » Correspondent of UCCS
Publications in the database: 47 (since 2004) 2023- Switching on/off molybdenum nitride catalytic activity in ammonia synthesis through modulating metal–support interaction.
Sfeir Amanda, Teles Camila A., Marinova Maya, Vezin Hérve, Dacquin Jean-Philippe, Löfberg Axel, Laassiri Said, Royer Sébastien. Faraday Discussions, vol. 243, pg. 126-147 (2023) DOI - Enhancing ammonia catalytic production over spatially confined cobalt molybdenum nitride nanoparticles in SBA-15.
Sfeir Amanda, Teles Camila A., Ciotonea Carmen, Reddy G.N. Manjunatha, Marinova Maya, Dhainaut Jérémy, Löfberg Axel, Dacquin Jean-Philippe, Royer Sébastien, Laassiri Said. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 325, pg. 122319 (2023) DOI - Evidence of Surface Properties by Isopropanol Decomposition Reaction and NH3-TPD over Ni−Fe Spinel Nanoparticles Prepared via Hydrothermal Route
Benrabaa Rafik, Rubbens Annick, Löfberg Axel, Vannier Rose‐Noëlle. ChemistrySelect, vol. 8, pg. e202204361 (2023) DOI - NiAlxFe2−xO4 mixed oxide catalysts for methane reforming with CO2: Effect of Al vs Fe contents and precursor salts.
Benrabaa Rafik, Trentesaux Martine, Roussel Pascal, Rubbens Annick, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Löfberg Axel. Journal of CO2 Utilization, vol. 67, pg. 102319 (2023) DOI 2022- Characterization and Syngas Production at Low Temperature via Dry Reforming of Methane over Ni-M (M = Fe, Cr) Catalysts Tailored from LDH Structure.
Hallassi Manel, Benrabaa Rafik, Cherif Nawal Fodil, Lerari Djahida, Chebout Redouane, Bachari Khaldoun, Rubbens Annick, Roussel Pascal, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Trentesaux Martine, Löfberg Axel. Catalysts, vol. 12, pg. 1507 (2022) DOI - VOCs catalytic removal over hierarchical porous zeolite NaY supporting Pt or Pd nanoparticles.
El Khawaja Rebecca, Sonar Shilpa, Barakat Tarek, Heymans Nicolas, Su Bao-Lian, Löfberg Axel, Lamonier Jean-François, Giraudon Jean-Marc, De Weireld Guy, Poupin Christophe, Cousin Renaud, Siffert Stéphane. Catalysis Today, vol. 405-406, pg. 212-220 (2022) DOI - Catalytic selective oxidation of isobutane in a decoupled redox-process.
Zhang Li, Zaffran Jérémie, Dumeignil Franck, Paul Sébastien, Löfberg Axel, Katryniok Benjamin. Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 643, pg. 118798 (2022) DOI - Boosting VOCs elimination by coupling different techniques.
El Khawaja Rebecca, Veerapandian Savita Kaliya Perumal , Bitar Rim , De Geyter Nathalie , Morent Rino , Heymans Nicolas , De Weireld Guy , Barakat Tarek , Ding Yang , Abdallah Grêce , Sonar Shilpa , Löfberg Axel , Giraudon Jean-Marc , Poupin Christophe , Cousin Renaud , Cazier Fabrice , Dewaele Dorothée , Genevray Paul , Landkocz Yann , Méausoone Clémence , Jaber Nour , Courcot Dominique , Billet Sylvain , Lamonier Jean-François , Su Bao-Lian , Siffert Stéphane . Chemical Synthesis, vol. 2, pg. 13 (2022) DOI - Strengthening the Connection between Science, Society and Environment to Develop Future French and European Bioeconomies: Cutting-Edge Research of VAALBIO Team at UCCS.
Araque-Marin Marcia, Bellot Noronha Fabio, Capron Mickäel, Dumeignil Franck, Friend Michèle, Heuson Egon, Itabaiana Ivaldo, Jalowiecki-Duhamel Louise, Katryniok Benjamin, Löfberg Axel, Paul Sébastien, Wojcieszak Robert. Molecules, vol. 27, pg. 3889 (2022) DOI 2021- Adsorption Followed by Plasma Assisted Catalytic Conversion of Toluene into CO2 on Hopcalite in an Air Stream.
Sonar Shilpa, Giraudon Jean-Marc, Veerapandian Savita Kaliya Perumal, Lamonier Jean-François, Morent Rino, Löfberg Axel, De Geyter Nathalie. Catalysts, vol. 11, pg. 845 (2021) DOI - Regeneration of Hopcalite used for the adsorption plasma catalytic removal of toluene by non-thermal plasma.
Kaliya Perumal Veerapandian Savita, Giraudon Jean-Marc, De Geyter Nathalie, Onyshchenko Yuliia, Krishnaraj Chidharth, Sonar Shilpa, Löfberg Axel, Leus Karen, Van Der Voort Pascal, Lamonier Jean-François, Morent Rino. Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 402, pg. 123877 (2021) DOI 2020- Abatement of Toluene Using a Sequential Adsorption-Catalytic Oxidation Process: Comparative Study of Potential Adsorbent/Catalytic Materials.
Sonar Shilpa, Giraudon Jean-Marc, Kaliya Perumal Veerapandian Savita, Bitar Rim, Leus Karen, Van Der Voort Pascal, Lamonier Jean-François, Morent Rino, De Geyter Nathalie, Löfberg Axel. Catalysts, vol. 10, pg. 761 (2020) DOI -
Chemical Looping Selective Oxidation of H2S using V2O5 Impregnated over Different Supports as Oxygen Carriers
Kane Tanushree, Guerrero Caballero Jesús, Löfberg Axel. ChemCatChem, vol. 12, pg. 2569-2579 (2020) DOI - H2S chemical looping selective and preferential oxidation to sulfur by bulk V2O5.
Kane Tanushree, Guerrero-Caballero Jesùs, Löfberg Axel. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 265, pg. 118566 (2020) DOI 2019- Characterization and Catalytic Properties of Ni‐Fe Spinel Catalysts for Total Oxidation of Ethanol.
Benrabaa Rafik, Benadda Amel, Hammiche‐Bellal Yasmina, Boukhlouf Hamza, Trentesaux Martine, Rubbens Annick, Vannier Rose‐Noëlle, Löfberg Axel. ChemistrySelect, vol. 4, pg. 6415-6420 (2019) DOI - Ni, Co, Fe supported on Ceria and Zr doped Ceria as oxygen carriers for chemical looping dry reforming of methane.
Guerrero-Caballero Jesús, Kane Tanushree, Haidar Noura, Jalowiecki-Duhamel Louise, Löfberg Axel. Catalysis Today, vol. 333, pg. 251-258 (2019) DOI - Selective photocatalytic conversion of methane into carbon monoxide over zinc-heteropolyacid-titania nanocomposites.
Yu Xiang, De Waele Vincent, Löfberg Axel, Ordomsky Vitaly, Khodakov Andrei Y. Nature Communications, vol. 10 (2019) DOI 2018- Nanometric Nickel Exsolution in the Hexagonal Perovskite Ba8Ta6NiO24: Survey of the Structural, Magnetic and Catalytic features.
Pussacq T, Mentré O, Tessier F, Löfberg A, Huvé M, Guerrerro-Caballero J, Colis S, Kabbour H. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 766, pg. 987-993 (2018) DOI - Synthesis and catalytic performances of K-OMS-2, Fe/K-OMS-2 and Fe-K-OMS-2 in post plasma-catalysis for dilute TCE abatement.
Sultana Sharmin, Ye Zhiping, Veerapandian Savita K.P., Löfberg Axel, De Geyter Nathalie, Morent Rino, Giraudon Jean-Marc, Lamonier Jean-François. Catalysis Today, vol. 307, pg. 20-28 (2018) DOI 2017- Dry reforming of methane on nickel-chrome, nickel-cobalt and nickel-manganese catalysts.
Rouibah Karima, Barama Akila, Benrabaa Rafik, Guerrero-Caballero Jesus, Kane Tanushree, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Rubbens Annick, Löfberg Axel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 42, pg. 29725-29734 (2017) DOI - Chemical looping dry reforming of methane: toward shale-gas and biogas valorization.
Löfberg Axel, Kane Tanushree, Guerrero-Caballero Jesús, Jalowiecki-Duhamel Louise. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, vol. 122, pg. 523-529 (2017) DOI - The Pivotal Role of Catalysis in France: Selected Examples of Recent Advances and Future Prospects..
Olivier-Bourbigou Hélène, Chizallet Céline, Dumeignil Franck, Fongarland Pascal, Geantet Christophe, Granger Pascal, Launay Franck, Löfberg Axel, Massiani Pascale, Maugé Françoise, Ouali Armelle, Roger Anne-Cécile, Schuurman Yves, Tanchoux Nathalie, Uzio Denis, Jérôme François, Duprez Daniel, Pinel Catherine. ChemCatChem, vol. 9, pg. 2029-2064 (2017) DOI - Physico-chemical properties and syngas production via dry reforming of methane over NiAl2O4 catalyst.
Benrabaa Rafik, Barama Akila, Boukhlouf Hamza, Guerrero-Caballero Jesús, Rubbens Annick, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth, Löfberg Axel, Vannier Rose-Noëlle. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 42, pg. 12989-12996 (2017) DOI - Ni/CeO2 based catalysts as oxygen vectors for the chemical looping dry reforming of methane for syngas production.
Löfberg Axel, Guerrero-Caballero Jesús, Kane Tanushree, Rubbens Annick, Jalowiecki-Duhamel Louise. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 212, pg. 159-174 (2017) DOI - Catalytic activity in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over Ni and/or Co molybdate catalysts: Synthesis and characterization.
Boukhlouf Hamza, Barama Akila, Benrabaa Rafik, Caballero Jesus Guerrero, Löfberg Axel, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth. Comptes Rendus Chimie, vol. 20, pg. 30-39 (2017) DOI 2016- A Performant Dry Reforming Catalytic System Elaborated from the Reductive Decomposition of BaNi2
Guerrero-Caballero Jesus, Löfberg Axel, Mentré Olivier, Kane Tanushree, Pussacq Tanguy, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Trentesaux Martine, Gardoll Olivier, Kabbour Houria. ChemistrySelect, vol. 1, pg. 5633-5637 (2016) DOI 2015- Biomass-derived Platform Molecules Upgrading through Catalytic Processes: Yielding Chemicals and Fuels.
Dumeignil Franck, Capron Mickaël, Katryniok Benjamin, Wojcieszak Robert, Löfberg Axel, Girardon Jean-Sébastien, Desset Simon, Araque-Marin Marcia, Jalowiecki-Duhamel Louise, Paul Sébastien. Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, vol. 58, pg. 257-273 (2015) DOI - Sol–gel synthesis and characterization of silica supported nickel ferrite catalysts for dry reforming of methane.
Benrabaa Rafik, Löfberg Axel, Guerrero Caballero Jesús, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth, Rubbens Annick, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Boukhlouf Hamza, Barama Akila. Catalysis Communications, vol. 58, pg. 127-131 (2015) DOI - Benzaldehyde reduction over Cu-Al-O bimetallic oxide catalyst. Influence of pH during hydrothermal synthesis on the structural and catalytic properties.
Haddad N., Saadi A., Löfberg A., Vannier R.N., Bordes-Richard E., Rabia C. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, vol. 396, pg. 207-215 (2015) DOI 2013- Structure, reactivity and catalytic properties of nanoparticles of nickel ferrite in the dry reforming of methane.
Benrabaa R., Löfberg A., Rubbens A., Bordes-Richard E., Vannier R.N., Barama A. Catalysis Today, vol. 203, pg. 188-195 (2013) DOI 2012- Nickel ferrite spinel as catalyst precursor in the dry reforming of methane: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties.
Benrabaa Rafik, Boukhlouf Hamza, Löfberg Axel, Rubbens Annick, Vannier Rose-Nöelle, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth, Barama Akila. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, vol. 21 (5), pg. 595-604 (2012) DOI - A Comprehensive Scenario of the Crystal Growth of γ-Bi2MoO6Catalyst during Hydrothermal Synthesis.
Kongmark Chanapa, Coulter Rachel, Cristol Sylvain, Rubbens Annick, Pirovano Caroline, Löfberg Axel, Sankar Gopinathan, van Beek Wouter, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth, Vannier Rose-Noëlle. Crystal Growth < Design, vol. 12 (12), pg. 5994-6003 (2012) DOI 2011- Coating of structured catalytic reactors by plasma assisted polymerization of tetramethyldisiloxane.
Essakhi Adil, Mutel Brigitte, Supiot Philippe, Löfberg Axel, Paul Sébastien, Courtois Véronique Le, Meille Valérie, Pitault Isabelle, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth. Polymer Engineering < Science, vol. 51, pg. 940-947 (2011) DOI - Materials chemistry for catalysis: Coating of catalytic oxides on metallic foams.
Essakhi A., Löfberg A., Paul S., Mutel B., Supiot P., Le Courtois V., Rodriguez P., Meille V., Bordes-Richard E. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 140, pg. 81-88 (2011) DOI - Use of catalytic oxidation and dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons reactions to highlight improvement of heat transfer in catalytic metallic foams.
Löfberg A., Essakhi A., Paul S., Swesi Y., Zanota M.-L., Meille V., Pitault I., Supiot P., Mutel B., Le Courtois V., Bordes-Richard E. Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 176-177, pg. 49-56 (2011) DOI - Catalytic coatings for structured supports and reactors: VOx/TiO2 catalyst coated on stainless steel in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane.
Löfberg Axel, Giornelli Thierry, Paul Sébastien, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth. Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 391, pg. 43-51 (2011) DOI - From Materials Science to Catalysis: Influence of the Coating of 2D- and 3D-Inserts on the Catalytic Behaviour of VOx/TiO2 in Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane.
Essakhi A., Löfberg A., Paul S., Supiot P., Mutel B., Courtois V., Bordes-Richard E. Topics in Catalysis, vol. 54, pg. 698-707 (2011) DOI 2010- Preface.
Bordes-Richard Elisabeth, Gaigneaux Eric, Löfberg Axel, Payen Edmond, Ruiz Patricio. Catalysis Today, vol. 157, pg. 1-1 (2010) DOI - Transient reactivity of vanadyl pyrophosphate, the catalyst for n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride, in response to in-situ treatments.
Cavani Fabrizio, De Santi Davide, Luciani Silvia, Löfberg Axel, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth, Cortelli Carlotta, Leanza Roberto. Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 376, pg. 66-75 (2010) DOI - Synthesis of γ-Bi2MoO6 catalyst studied by combined high-resolution powder diffraction, XANES and Raman spectroscopy.
Kongmark C., Martis V., Pirovano C., Löfberg A., van Beek W., Sankar G., Rubbens A., Cristol S., Vannier R.-N., Bordes-Richard E. Catalysis Today, vol. 157, pg. 257-262 (2010) DOI 2009- MoV-based catalysts in ethane oxidation to acetic acid: Influence of additives on redox chemistry.
Roussel M., Barama S., Löfberg A., Al-Sayari S., Karim K., Bordes-Richard E. Catalysis Today, vol. 141, pg. 288-293 (2009) DOI - From Al2O3-supported Ni(II)–ethylenediamine complexes to CO hydrogenation catalysts: Characterization of the surface sites and catalytic properties.
Marceau Eric, Löfberg Axel, Giraudon Jean-Marc, Négrier Fabien, Che Michel, Leclercq Lucien. Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 362, pg. 34-39 (2009) DOI - Electrochemical modification of the catalytic properties of composite membranes of substituted Bi4V2O11 (BIMEVOX) for propane oxidation in a catalytic dense membrane reactor.
Bodet H., Löfberg A., Pirovano C., Steil M.C., Vannier R.N., Bordes-Richard E. Catalysis Today, vol. 141, pg. 260-263 (2009) DOI - Elucidating the genesis of Bi2MoO6 catalyst by combination of synchrotron radiation experiments and Raman scattering.
Kongmark Chanapa, Martis Vladimir, Rubbens Annick, Pirovano Caroline, Löfberg Axel, Sankar Gopinathan, Bordes-Richard Elisabeth, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Van Beek Wouter. Chemical Communications, pg. 4850 (2009) DOI 2008- From Al2O3-supported Ni(II)-ethylenediamine Complexes to CO Hydrogenation Catalysts: Importance of the Hydrogen Post-treatment Evidenced by XPS.
Négrier Fabien, Marceau Eric, Che Michel, Giraudon Jean-Marc, Gengembre Léon, Löfberg Axel. Catalysis Letters, vol. 124, pg. 18-23 (2008) DOI 2006- Oxygen permeation in bismuth-based materials. Part I: Sintering and oxygen permeation fluxes.
CAPOEN E, STEIL M, NOWOGROCKI G, MALYS M, PIROVANO C, LOFBERG A, BORDESRICHARD E, BOIVIN J, MAIRESSE G, VANNIER R. Solid State Ionics, vol. 177, pg. 483-488 (2006) DOI 2004- Oxygen permeation versus catalytic properties of bismuth-based oxide ion conductors used for propene oxidation in a catalytic dense membrane reactor.
Löfberg A, Boujmiai S, Capoen E, Steil M.C, Pirovano C, Vannier R.N, Mairesse G, Bordes-Richard E. Catalysis Today, vol. 91-92, pg. 79-83 (2004) DOI