Identifiant Orcid : 0000-0001-7243-7293
Mots clés : Chimie du Solide, Cristallographie, Diffraction (RX, neutrons, électrons), structures complexes (modulées, anharmonicité, maclées), pseudo-symétrie, ordre-désordre, couches minces
Parcours de recherche
2012-présent: Directeur de Recherches au CNRS, UCCS (Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide), CNRS UMR8181, Lille.
2000-2012: Chargé de Recherches au CNRS, LCPS (Laboratoire de Cristallochimie et Physicochimie du Solide), CNRS UMR8012, Lille.
2008: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches – Spécialité Chimie des Matériaux – Université de Lille: "Modélisation des phénomènes ordre-désordre dans les solides: apport des diffractions X et neutronique". Jury : C. Lecomte (Président), M. Anne (Rapporteur), G. Heger (Rapporteur), A. Maignan (Rapporteur) & F. Abraham (Directeur des recherches).
1995-1999: Doctorat – Spécialité Chimie des Matériaux – Université de Caen: " Cristallogenèse et études structurales des bronzes phosphates de tungstène (PO2)4(WO3)2m et Ax(PO2)4(WO3)2m (A= Na, K, Pb) : Modulations et ondes de densité de charge ". Jury: J.P. Pouget (Président), C. Lecomte (Rapporteur), J.L. Hodeau (Rapporteur), Ph. Labbé (Codirecteur de thèse), D. Groult (Codirecteur de thèse) & B. Raveau.
Contribution scientifique
Mon activité de recherche est orientée vers la cri stallographie et les relations structure-propriétés dans de nouveaux matériaux à propriétés dites remarquables. Que ce soit lors de ma thèse, de mon post doctorat ou aujourd’hui à l’UCCS, les études structurales (que ce soit sur monocristal, sur poudre, sur couches minces, par diffraction des rayons X, des neutrons ou récemment des électrons) constituent la part la plus importante de mon travail. Même si cette étape n’est pas une fin en soi, elle permet de mieux aborder la dernière étape, à savoir l’étude, la compréhension et l’optimisation des propriétés physiques des nouveaux matériaux synthétisés. Toutefois, dans bien des cas, on se trouve confronté à des problèmes d’ordre (ou de désordre) qui viennent compliquer (et pimenter) l’étude structurale. C’est bien souvent dans ces cas " non conventionnels " que l’on fait appel à moi. Qui dit cas " non conventionnels ", dit formalismes et donc cristallographie " non conventionnelle ", ce qui résume assez bien mon rôle au sein du laboratoire. Déjà, à l'époque de mon recrutement au CNRS, le mot clé qui résumait mon profil était "transversalité" au sein des différentes équipes. Ceci est toujours vrai à l'heure actuelle et mon activité de recherche est par définition assez variée, même si je me préserve du temps pour mener mes propres sujets de recherche en développement de méthodes de cristallographie non-conventionnelles.
On peut citer récemment tous les développements en cristallographie électronique, de l’acquisition en mode tomographie dans l’espace réciproque, à l’affinement structural en considérant la théorie dynamique de la diffraction. Cette thématique initiée en 2006 par l'ANR SONDE est maintenant mature dans le sens qu’il est maintenant possible de résoudre et affiner avec une précision comparable à celle de la méthode Rietveld, des structures sur des objets de taille nanométrique. Cette thématique m’a permis de prendre des contacts très fructueux avec Lukas Palatinus, de l’Académie des Sciences de Rep Tchèque, qui a développé la partie extraction et intégration des données et surtout implémentation de la théorie dynamique dans les logiciels d’affinements structuraux. J’ai eu l’opportunité de donner quatre conférences invitées dans des congrès internationaux sur cette thématique.
J’ai aussi développé des approches « exotiques » pour interpréter les mises en ordre/désordre à l’origine des propriétés de conduction ioniques de matériaux pour piles à combustible SOFC. Ainsi j’ai été confronté à des structures modulées incommensurables (résolues lors des périodes de professeur invité à Lille de Vaclav Petricek, spécialiste de cette approche et auteur du logiciel, JANA2006), je me suis frotté aux développements anharmoniques du tenseur d’agitation thermique pour évaluer des énergies d’activation et à la méthode de l’entropie Maximum, par exemple pour imager un désordre à l’origine de propriétés magnétiques remarquables.
J’ai profité de l’arrivée d’un diffractomètre à anode tournante pour me spécialiser dans l’étude structurale de couches minces épitaxiées. J’ai dû apprendre de nouveaux concepts tels que la cartographie du réseau réciproque, l’interprétation des figures de pôles ou bien la réflectivité des rayons X. Ceci a été très profitable, à la fois pour moi, mais aussi pour mes collègues spécialistes des dépôts, car cela nous a permis de concrétiser des résultats intéressants sur des microbatteries 3D Li-ion. Cette thématique, porteuse en terme de facteur d’impact (3 Adv Energy Mat, 1 Adv Funct Mat, 2 Chem Mat, 2 Energy Storage Mat), est cependant très concurrentielle… Elle m’a également permis de rentrer dans un réseau de collaboration particulièrement intéressant, à l’origine de l’ANR CASSIOPES obtenue en 2018 sur la Caractérisations AvancéeS in Situ - OPerando de micro-batteriES.
Enfin, je pense m’être fait une spécialité de résolution de structures complexes (maclées et/ou désordonnées) qui, bien que n’étant pas une thématique en tant que telle, permet bien souvent de débloquer une situation difficile et permet de remonter aux relations entre structure et propriétés (en effet, pas de structure correcte, pas de point de départ pour une explication plausible).
Analyse bibliométrique
- 245 publications parues (+ 41 actes de congrès parus dans des numéros spéciaux de journaux avec comité de lecture)
- 1 livre + 4 chapitres de livre
- 7 couvertures (2 à J. Solid State Chem., 2 Chem Comm, 1 Solid State Sciences, 1 Zeit. fur Kristallographie, 1 Eur J Inorg Chem)
- 19 actes de congrès publiés sans comité de lecture
- 142 communications à des congrès internationaux (dont 28 posters)
- 92 communications à des congrès nationaux (dont 30 posters)
- 41 conférences invitées, 13 en tant qu'orateur (9 internationales +4 nationales)
- 14 séminaires invités (9 à l'étranger, 5 en France)
Facteur H de 35 pour 4422 citations totales (source Google Scholar, le 20 juillet 2019)
Choix de 5 publications significatives
- Illustre les développements récents en cristallographie électronique, surtout l'apport de l'affinement en prenant en compte les effets dynamiques résiduels :
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M. Colmont, L. Palatinus, M. Huve, H. Kabbour, S. Saitzek, N. Djelal & P. Roussel (2016) Inorg. Chem. 55 p2252-2260,
"On the use of dynamical diffraction theory to refine crystal structure from electron diffraction data. Application to K1La5O5(VO4)2, a material with promising luminescent properties." DOI : /10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b02663
- Illustration des apports de la diffraction X pour le développement de micro-batteries 3D :
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M. Létiche, M. Hallot, M. Huvé, Th. Brousse, P. Roussel & Ch. Lethien (2017) Chem Mat. 29 (14), p6044-6057
“Relationship between deposition pressure and cation ordering in sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin film deposited on functional current collectors for Li-ion microbattery applications”.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b01921
- Illustration de la complémentarité entre diffractions (X, neutrons, électrons) et calculs DFT, apport du MEM :

Z.L. Moreno-Botello, A. Montenegro, N. Grimaldos Osorio, M. Huvé, C. Pirovano, D.R. Småbråten, S.M. Selbach, A. Caneiro, P. Roussel & G.H. Gauthier (2019) J. Mat. Chem. A 7, 18589-18602 "Pure and Zr-doped YMnO3+delta as YSZ-compatible SOFC cathode: a combined computational and experimental approach." DOI : 10.1039/C9TA04912F
- Exemple de résolution structurale complexe (incommensurabilité, macles, pseudo-symétrie) :
P. Roussel, O. Labidi, M. Huvé, M. Drache, J.P. Wignacourt & V. Petricek (2009), Acta Cryst. B 65, 416-425
"The incommensurately modulated crystal structure of β-Pb2BiVO6: Interpretation of the phase transition α → β → δ and conduction properties of related materials.” DOI : 10.1107/S0108768109020898
- Illustration de l'importance de la caractérisation structurale pour l'interprétation des propriétés physiques de couches minces :
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Z. Shao, S. Saitzek, A. Ferri, M. Rguitti, L. Dupont, P. Roussel & R. Desfeux (2012) J. Mater. Chem. 22, 9806-9812
"Evidence of Ferroelectricity in metastable Sm2Ti2O7 thin film." DOI : 10.1039/C2JM16261J
Responsabilités collectives et manegement de la recherche
Depuis 2014, responsable du département de chimie du solide de l'UCCS, ex-LCPS (Laboratoire de Cristallochimie et Physicochimie du Solide), comprenant une petite centaine de personnes (37 chercheurs/enseignants chercheurs + 10 personnels techniques + environ une quarantaine de non-permanents (25 thésards + 15 stagiaires "divers")).
Depuis 2010, responsable du plateau technique Rayons X de la fédération Chevreul (Institut des Molécules et de la Matière Condensée de Lille (IMMCL), FR2638 du CNRS), regroupant 10 appareils de diffraction-diffusion sur monocristal, poudre, couches minces, en atmosphère contrôlée, et en température variable.
Membre du bureau de la Division Chimie du Solide de la SCF depuis 2019 et chargé de mission communication de la section régionale Haut de France de la SCF. Membre du CA de l'Association Française de Cristallographie de 2006 à 2013. Vice-Président, en charge du groupe CHIMIE, de 2010 à 2013.
Membre élu du Conseil scientifique de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (entre 2006 et 2014 et depuis 2018). Membre élu du conseil de laboratoire (entre 2001 et 2014).
Expert ITRF (ministère de l’enseignement supérieur), BAP (Branche d'Activité Professionnelle) B (Sciences Chimiques - Sciences des Matériaux) entre 2005 et 2012 (participation à une vingtaine concours de recrutement). Membre des commissions de spécialistes 33eme section Lille 1 et 31, 32 et 33eme section à Valenciennes entre 2001 et 2008. Membre du vivier 33eme section de l’Université de Lille 1 depuis 2009. Participation à environ 20 concours
Co-Editeur Acta Cryst E – Crystallographic Communications. Membre du Editorial Board de "Advances in Materials Science and Engineering". Referee régulier pour plusieurs journaux. Rapporteur à l’ANR, défi “renouveau industriel". Membre du comité de sélection au LLB entre 2010 et 2015 et à l'ILL-Grenoble entre 2008 et 2014.
A l'origine de la création (en 2003, et jusqu'à sa disparition faute de moyens en 2012), coordinateur scientifique, à la direction recherche/technologie de la région Nord-Pas de Calais, du Groupement Scientifique "RX-neutrons".
Enseignement, formation et diffusion de la culture scientifique
J'ai assuré un cours de DEA de 30h sur la détermination de structures pendant 5 ans entre 2001 et 2006, co-organisé (et aussi assuré des cours) de 3 écoles de cristallographie électronique (2 nationales à Lille et Caen et 1 internationale à Porec en Croatie); je suis responsable d'une semaine de cours sur la structure et la microstructure, tous les ans depuis 2012, j'ai participé à l'organisation de 2 workshops latino-américains sur la diffraction des poudres; j'ai assuré 3x30h de cours "personnalisé" pour 3 sociétés (Rio Tinto Alcan, FCB et IMRA-Europe)
J'ai organisé au moins une centaine de séminaires (dans le cadre du GS Rx-neutrons pendant 9 ans et à l'occasion de l'année internationale de la cristallographie en 2014). Participation à l'organisation de plusieurs congrès nationaux (4 éditions de RX et Matière à Tours, Nantes, Grenoble et Nancy, 3 éditions AFC à Strasbourg, Bordeaux et Marseille, Matériaux2014 à Montpellier, Journée de la matières condensée 2016 à Bordeaux), Chair du dernier RX et matière à Lille en novembre 2017.
Co-encadrement de 15 thèses et 11 M2, rédaction de 2 articles de vulgarisation à l'AFC, 1 dans l'Actualité chimique, participations à "Sciences & Terroir", "Chimie itinérante", "A la conquête d'un labo de cristallo"; participation à l'élaboration de deux expositions sur le cristal et la cristallographie, interview radio pour l'année internationale de la cristallographie, participation à 26 jury de thèse et 5 HDR.
Transfert technologique, relations industrielles et valorisation
Participation à plusieurs ANR (SONDE en 2006, MAD-BLAST en 2009, Multi D-InMaDe en 2012, AnionCO en 2013, ASTUTE et LOVE-ME en 2016, CASSIOPES (porteur) en 2017), au programme CNRS MaProSu (Matériaux et Procédés de Remplacement /Substitution) en 2010-11 et NEEDS (Nucléaire, énergie, environnement, déchets, société) comme porteur en 2011, partenaire en 2012 et 2013
Responsable de plusieurs contrats de Recherche en lien avec la diffraction avec les sociétés Nutriset (40 k€) en 2010-12, Kerneos sur la quantification de matériaux cristallisés par la méthode Rietveld (environ 25k€ en 2011 et 2012) et de plusieurs expertises pour les sociétés Rio Tinto Alcan, IMRA-Europe, Saint Gobain, Solvay, Huntsman, Genfit.
GALLARDO MIGUEL, ARANCIBIA RODRIGO, ROUSSEL PASCAL, HENRY NATACHA. J. Chil. Chem. Soc.,, vol. 68 (1) (2023) - Ferrocene-based nitroheterocyclic sulfonylhydrazones: design, synthesis, characterization and trypanocidal properties.
Gallardo Miguel, Arancibia Rodrigo, Jiménez Claudio, Wilkinson Shane, Toro Patricia M., Roussel Pascal, Henry Natacha. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 28, pg. 549-558 (2023) DOI - Stereo/regio-selective access to substituted 3-hydroxy-oxindoles with anti-proliferative assessment and in silico validation.
Preeti Asif, Raza Amit, Anand Natacha, Henry Arun K., Sharma Pascal, Roussel Vipan. RSC Advances, vol. 13, pg. 28434-28443 (2023) DOI - Effect of C deuteration in forming isotopic polymorph of glycine silver nitrate.
Chitra R., Choudhury R. R., Capet Frederic, Roussel Pascal, Bhatt Himal. Structural Chemistry, (2023) DOI - NiAlxFe2−xO4 mixed oxide catalysts for methane reforming with CO2: Effect of Al vs Fe contents and precursor salts.
Benrabaa Rafik, Trentesaux Martine, Roussel Pascal, Rubbens Annick, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Löfberg Axel. Journal of CO2 Utilization, vol. 67, pg. 102319 (2023) DOI 2022- Thin-Film Stabilization of a Ferroelectric Orthorhombic α-Pr2WO6 Polymorph.
Lheureux Mégane, Chambrier Marie-Hélène, Francesca Kevin Dalla, Vargas Beatriz, Yedra Lluis, Da Costa Antonio, Carlier Thomas, Blanchard Florent, Estradé Sonia, Peiro Francesca, Roussel Pascal, Blach Jean-François, Ferri Anthony, Desfeux Rachel. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 4, pg. 5234-5245 (2022) DOI - New Pyrochlore-like Oxyfluorides Na2–2xSnxM2O5F2 (M = Nb5+ or Ta5+ and 1 ≤ x ≤ 0) as Potential Candidates for Overall Water Splitting Photocatalysis.
Boivin Edouard, Saitzek Sébastien, Fauth François, Huvé Marielle, Roussel Pascal, Kabbour Houria. Chemistry of Materials, (2022) DOI - Understanding the p-doping of spiroOMeTAD by tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane.
Raval Parth, Dhennin Margot, Vezin Hervé, Pawlak Tomasz, Roussel Pascal, Nguyen Thuc-Quyen, Manjunatha Reddy G.N. Electrochimica Acta, vol. 424, pg. 140602 (2022) DOI - Characterization and Syngas Production at Low Temperature via Dry Reforming of Methane over Ni-M (M = Fe, Cr) Catalysts Tailored from LDH Structure.
Hallassi Manel, Benrabaa Rafik, Cherif Nawal Fodil, Lerari Djahida, Chebout Redouane, Bachari Khaldoun, Rubbens Annick, Roussel Pascal, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Trentesaux Martine, Löfberg Axel. Catalysts, vol. 12, pg. 1507 (2022) DOI - Development of a TiO2/Sepiolite Photocatalyst for the Degradation of a Persistent Organic Pollutant in Aqueous Solution.
Bakhtiar Amina, Bouberka Zohra, Roussel Pascal, Volkringer Christophe, Addad Ahmed, Ouddane Baghdad, Pierlot Christel, Maschke Ulrich. Nanomaterials, vol. 12, pg. 3313 (2022) DOI - An unusual O2−/F− distribution in the new pyrochlore oxyfluorides: Na2B2O5F2 (B = Nb, Ta).
Boivin Edouard, Pourpoint Frédérique, Saitzek Sébastien, Simon Pardis, Roussel Pascal, Kabbour Houria. Chemical Communications, vol. 58, pg. 2391-2394 (2022) DOI 2021- Lactide Lactone Chain Shuttling Copolymerization Mediated by an Aminobisphenolate Supported Aluminum Complex and Al(OiPr)3: Access to New Polylactide Based Block Copolymers.
Meimoun Julie, Sutapin Choltirosn, Stoclet Grégory, Favrelle Audrey, Roussel Pascal, Bria Marc, Chirachanchai Suwabun, Bonnet Fanny, Zinck Philippe. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 143, pg. 21206-21210 (2021) DOI - Influence of Interface on the Charge Carrier Mobility of La2Ti2O7 Layered Perovskite Thin Films Measured by the Time-of-Flight Method.
Leroy Sébastien, Douali Redouane, Legrand Christian, Krasinski Freddy, Blanchard Florent, Roussel Pascal, Saitzek Sébastien, Blach Jean-François. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 3, pg. 3167-3176 (2021) DOI - Crystal structure of 4-aminopyridinium 3-(4-aminopyridinium) succinate tetra hydrate: A new salt from 4-aminopyridine and maleic acid crystallization.
Chitra R., Choudhury R.R., Capet Frederic, Roussel Pascal, Bhatt Pramod. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1234, pg. 130142 (2021) DOI - Crystallization mechanism of BaO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (BCAS) glass thin-films.
Carlier T., Podor R., Saitzek S., Montagne L., Roussel P., Méar F.O. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 551, pg. 120406 (2021) DOI 2020- Performance of La0.5Sr1.5MnO4±δ Ruddlesden-Popper manganite as electrode material for symmetrical solid oxide fuel cells. Part B. the hydrogen oxidation reaction.
Sandoval Mónica V., Cardenas Carolina, Capoen Edouard, Roussel Pascal, Pirovano Caroline, Gauthier Gilles H. Electrochimica Acta, vol. 353, pg. 136494 (2020) DOI - Ferroelectric State in an α-Nd2WO6 Polymorph Stabilized in a Thin Film.
Carlier Thomas, Chambrier Marie-Hélène, Da Costa Antonio, Blanchard Florent, Denneulin Thibaud, Létiche Manon, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel, Ferri Anthony. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 32, pg. 7188-7200 (2020) DOI - Oxysulfide Ba5(VO2S2)2(S2)2 Combining Disulfide Channels and Mixed-Anion Tetrahedra and Its Third-Harmonic-Generation Properties.
Almoussawi Batoul, Huvé Marielle, Dupray Valérie, Clevers Simon, Duffort Victor, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal, Arevalo-Lopez Angel M., Kabbour Houria. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 59, pg. 5907-5917 (2020) DOI - Pure and RE3+-Doped La7O6(VO4)3 (RE = Eu, Sm): Polymorphism Stability and Luminescence Properties of a New Oxyvanadate Matrix.
Gómez Torres María Alejandra, Gauthier Gilles H., Kaczmarek Anna M., Huvé Marielle, Roussel Pascal, Dupray Valérie, Yuan Lina, Zadoya Anastasiya, Colmont Marie. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 59, pg. 5929-5938 (2020) DOI - Structure of the water-splitting photocatalyst oxysulfide α-LaOInS2 and ab initio prediction of new polymorphs.
Kabbour Houria, Sayede Adlane, Saitzek Sébastien, Lefèvre Gauthier, Cario Laurent, Trentesaux Martine, Roussel Pascal. Chemical Communications, vol. 56, pg. 1645-1648 (2020) DOI 2019- Pure and Zr-doped YMnO3+δ as a YSZ-compatible SOFC cathode: a combined computational and experimental approach.
Moreno Botello Zulma L., Montenegro Alejandra, Grimaldos Osorio Nicolas, Huvé Marielle, Pirovano Caroline, Småbråten Didrik R., Selbach Sverre M., Caneiro Alberto, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 7, pg. 18589-18602 (2019) DOI - Anhydrous Phase B: Transmission Electron Microscope Characterization and Elastic Properties.
Addad A., Carrez P., Cordier P., Jacob D., Karato S.‐I., Mohiuddin A., Mussi A., Nzogang B. C., Roussel P., Tommasi A. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 20, pg. 4059-4072 (2019) DOI - Nickel Exsolution‐Driven Phase Transformation from an n=2 to an n=1 Ruddlesden‐Popper Manganite for Methane Steam Reforming Reaction in SOFC Conditions.
Vecino‐Mantilla Sebastián, Gauthier‐Maradei Paola, Huvé Marielle, Serra José Manuel, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H. ChemCatChem, vol. 11, pg. 4631-4641 (2019) DOI - Trinuclear Ni(II), Pd(II) and Cu(II) complexes containing the 2-hydroxy-benzaldehyde-ferrocenyl-sulfonylhydrazone ligand: Synthesis, structural characterization and antiplasmodial evaluation.
Almendras Ignacio, Huentupil Yosselin, Novoa Néstor, Roussel Pascal, Melis Diana R., Smith Gregory S., Arancibia Rodrigo. Inorganica Chimica Acta, vol. 496, pg. 119050 (2019) DOI - Study of La4BaCu5-xMnxO13+δ materials as potential electrode for symmetrical-SOFC.
Durán Silvia, Rangel Nathaly, Silva Camila, Macias Mario A., Capoen Edouard, Pirovano Caroline, Niemczyk Anna, Suescun Leopoldo, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H. Solid State Ionics, vol. 341, pg. 115031 (2019) DOI - Self-template synthesis of ZnS/Ni3S2 as advanced electrode material for hybrid supercapacitors.
Zhang Yuan, Cao Ning, Li Min, Szunerits Sabine, Addad Ahmed, Roussel Pascal, Boukherroub Rabah. Electrochimica Acta, vol. 328, pg. 135065 (2019) DOI - Structure of Pentylenediammoniumhexachlorostannate(IV).
Belfaquir M., Elyoubi M.S, Rhandour A., Roussel P. Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 13, pg. 615-620 (2019) DOI - Lasnierite, (Ca,Sr)(Mg,Fe)2Al(PO4)3, a new phosphate accompanying lazulite from Mt. Ibity, Madagascar: an example of structural characterization from dynamical refinement of precession electron diffraction data on submicrometre sample.
Rondeau Benjamin, Devouard Bertrand, Jacob Damien, Roussel Pascal, Stephant Nicolas, Boulet Constance, Mollé Valentin, Corre Marianna, Fritsch Emmanuel, Ferraris Cristiano, Parodi Gian Carlo. European Journal of Mineralogy, vol. 31, pg. 379-388 (2019) DOI - High performance silicon nanowires/ruthenium nanoparticles micro-supercapacitors.
Bencheikh Yasmina, Harnois Maxime, Jijie Roxana, Addad Ahmed, Roussel Pascal, Szunerits Sabine, Hadjersi Toufik, El Hak Abaidia Seddik, Boukherroub Rabah. Electrochimica Acta, vol. 311, pg. 150-159 (2019) DOI - NiFe layered double hydroxide electrodeposited on Ni foam coated with reduced graphene oxide for high-performance supercapacitors.
Li Min, Jijie Roxana, Barras Alexandre, Roussel Pascal, Szunerits Sabine, Boukherroub Rabah. Electrochimica Acta, vol. 302, pg. 1-9 (2019) DOI - Fabrication of ZnCoS nanomaterial for high energy flexible asymmetric supercapacitors.
Zhang Yuan, Cao Ning, Szunerits Sabine, Addad Ahmed, Roussel Pascal, Boukherroub Rabah. Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 374, pg. 347-358 (2019) DOI - Fast Electrochemical Storage Process in Sputtered Nb2O5 Porous Thin Films.
Arico Cassandra, Ouendi Saliha, Taberna Pierre-Louis, Roussel Pascal, Simon Patrice, Lethien Christophe. ACS Nano, vol. 13, pg. 5826-5832 (2019) DOI - Sputtered tungsten nitride films as pseudocapacitive electrode for on chip micro-supercapacitors.
Ouendi Saliha, Robert Kevin, Stievenard Didier, Brousse Thierry, Roussel Pascal, Lethien Christophe. Energy Storage Materials, (2019) DOI - Identification and optical features of the Pb4Ln2O7 series (Ln = La, Gd, Sm, Nd); genuine 2D-van der Waals oxides.
Colmont Marie, Lemoine Kévin, Roussel Pascal, Kabbour Houria, Olchowka Jacob, Henry Natacha, Hagemann Hans, Mentré Olivier. Chemical Communications, vol. 55, pg. 2944-2947 (2019) DOI - Optical properties of Ln2Ti2O7 (with Ln = La to Lu) thin films grown on (110)-SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition.
Bayart Alexandre, Blach Jean-François, Huvé Marielle, Blanchard Florent, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel, Saitzek Sébastien. Optical Materials, vol. 92, pg. 303-310 (2019) DOI - Performance of La0.5Sr1.5MnO4±δ Ruddlesden-Popper manganite as electrode material for symmetrical solid oxide fuel cells. Part A. The oxygen reduction reaction.
Sandoval Mónica V., Cárdenas Carolina, Capoen Edouard, Pirovano Caroline, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H. Electrochimica Acta, vol. 304, pg. 415-427 (2019) DOI - Crystal Growth in the Thorium-TEDGA-Oxalate-Nitrate System: Description and Comparison of the Main Structural Features.
Farger Pierre, Haidon Blaise, Roussel Pascal, Arab-Chapelet Bénédicte, Rivenet Murielle. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 58, pg. 1267-1277 (2019) DOI - X-ray structures, solid state periodic DFT modeling and vibrational study of alkylenediammonium hexachlorostannates compounds NH3(CH2)nNH3SnCl6 (n = 3, 4, 5).
Ouasri A., Elyoubi M.S.D., Rhandour A., Georgieva I., Zahariev Ts, Trendafilova N., Roussel P. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1177, pg. 55-67 (2019) DOI - Synthesis of T-Nb2O5 thin-films deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition for miniaturized electrochemical energy storage devices.
Ouendi Saliha, Arico Cassandra, Blanchard Florent, Codron Jean-Louis, Wallart Xavier, Taberna Pierre Louis, Roussel Pascal, Clavier Laurent, Simon Patrice, Lethien Christophe. Energy Storage Materials, vol. 16, pg. 581-588 (2019) DOI - Efficient reduction of Cr(VI) under visible light irradiation using CuS nanostructures.
Nezar Sawsen, Cherifi Yacine, Barras Alexandre, Addad Ahmed, Dogheche Elhadj, Saoula Nadia, Laoufi Nadia Aϊcha, Roussel Pascal, Szunerits Sabine, Boukherroub Rabah. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 12 (2), pg. 215-224 (2019) DOI 2018- Study of La4BaCu5−xCoxO13+δ series as potential cathode materials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell.
Duran Silvia, Tellez Jhoan, Sandoval Mónica V., Macias Mario A., Capoen Edouard, Pirovano Caroline, Roussel Pascal, Niemczyk Anna, Barrera Castillo Mónica, Mogni Liliana, Suescun Leopoldo, Gauthier Gilles H. Solid State Ionics, vol. 326, pg. 116-123 (2018) DOI - Design of a multi-well plate for high-throughput characterization of heterogeneous catalysts by XRD, FT-IR, Raman and XRF spectroscopies.
Thuriot-Roukos J., Bennis M., Heuson E., Roussel P., Dumeignil F., Paul S. RSC Advances, vol. 8, pg. 40912-40920 (2018) DOI - {Np38} clusters: the missing link in the largest poly-oxo cluster series of tetravalent actinides.
Martin Nicolas P., Volkringer Christophe, Roussel Pascal, März Juliane, Hennig Christoph, Loiseau Thierry, Ikeda-Ohno Atsushi. Chemical Communications, vol. 54, pg. 10060 (2018) DOI - Sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 thin films for Li-ion micro-batteries with high energy and rate capabilities.
Hallot Maxime, Demortière Arnaud, Roussel Pascal, Lethien Christophe. Energy Storage Materials, (2018) DOI - Microstructure and oxidation resistance of relaxed epitaxial nickel thin films grown on (100)- and (110)-SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition.
Lefevre Gauthier, Saitzek Sébastien, Blanchard Florent, Ferri Anthony, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel, Sayede Adlane. CrystEngComm, vol. 20, pg. 5061-5073 (2018) DOI - On Chip Interdigitated Micro-Supercapacitors Based on Sputtered Bifunctional Vanadium Nitride Thin Films with Finely Tuned Inter- and Intracolumnar Porosities.
Robert Kevin, Douard Camille, Demortière Arnaud, Blanchard Florent, Roussel Pascal, Brousse Thierry, Lethien Christophe. Advanced Materials Technologies, pg. 1800036 (2018) DOI - Synthesis and structural characterization of the first neptunium based metal–organic frameworks incorporating {Np6O8} hexanuclear clusters.
Martin N. P., März J., Feuchter H., Duval S., Roussel P., Henry N., Ikeda-Ohno A., Loiseau T., Volkringer C. Chemical Communications, vol. 54, pg. 6979-6982 (2018) DOI - LaFeO3
thin films as relevant models for the surface investigation of 3-way catalysts.
Nandi Shreya, Blanck Dimitri, Carlier Thomas, Chambrier Marie-Hélène, Mamede Anne-Sophie, Trentesaux Martine, Simon Pardis, Nuns Nicolas, Roussel Pascal, Ferri Anthony, Paul Jean-Francois, Berrier Elise. Surface and Interface Analysis, pg. 1-7 (2018) DOI - Visible light assisted oxidative coupling of benzylamines using heterostructured nanocomposite photocatalyst.
Kumar Anurag, Hamdi Abderrahmane, Coffinier Yannick, Addad Ahmed, Roussel Pascal, Boukherroub Rabah, Jain Suman L. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, vol. 356, pg. 457-463 (2018) DOI - Diversity of crystal structures and physicochemical properties of ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin salts with fumaric acid.
Surov Artem O., Voronin Alexander P., Drozd Ksenia V., Churakov Andrei V., Roussel Pascal, Perlovich German L. CrystEngComm, vol. 20, pg. 755-767 (2018) DOI - Getting a better insight into the chemistry of decomposition of complex flame retarded formulation: New insights using solid state NMR.
Hansupo N., Tricot G., Bellayer S., Roussel P., Samyn F., Duquesne S., Jimenez M., Hollman M., Catala P., Bourbigot S. Polymer Degradation and Stability, vol. 153, pg. 145-154 (2018) DOI - Undulated oxo-centered layers in PbLn 3 O 4 (VO 4 ) (Ln= La and Nd) and relationship with Nd 4 O 4 (GeO 4 ).
Colmont Marie, Mentré Olivier, Henry Natacha, Pautrat Alain, Leclercq Bastien, Capet Frédéric, Djelal Nora, Roussel Pascal. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 260, pg. 101-105 (2018) DOI - Synthesis and preliminary study of Nd x AE 2-x MnO 4±δ (AE: Ca, Sr) for symmetrical SOFC electrodes.
Sandoval Mónica V., Durán Silvia, Prada Andrea, Pirovano Caroline, Gardoll Olivier, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H. Solid State Ionics, vol. 317, pg. 194-200 (2018) DOI 2017- A series of chiral metal–organic frameworks based on fluorene di- and tetra-carboxylates: syntheses, crystal structures and luminescence properties.
Robin Julien, Audebrand Nathalie, Poriel Cyril, Canivet Jerôme, Calvez Guillaume, Roisnel Thierry, Dorcet Vincent, Roussel Pascal. CrystEngComm, vol. 19, pg. 2042-2056 (2017) DOI - In-depth study of the Ruddlesden-Popper La x Sr 2−x MnO 4±δ family as possible electrode materials for symmetrical SOFC.
Sandoval Mónica V., Pirovano Caroline, Capoen Edouard, Jooris Romain, Porcher Florence, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 42, pg. 21930-21943 (2017) DOI - Tuning the Cation Ordering with the Deposition Pressure in Sputtered LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 Thin Film Deposited on Functional Current Collectors for Li-Ion Microbattery Applications.
Létiche Manon, Hallot Maxime, Huvé Marielle, Brousse Thierry, Roussel Pascal, Lethien Christophe. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 29, pg. 6044-6057 (2017) DOI - From Nd(III) and Pu(III) Oxalates to Oxides: Influence of Nitrilotris(methylenephosphonic acid) on Chemical Composition, Structure, and Morphology.
Vitart Anne-Lise, Haidon Blaise, Arab-Chapelet Benedicte, Rivenet Murielle, Bisel Isabelle, Pochon Patrick, Roussel Pascal, Grandjean Stéphane, Abraham Francis. Crystal Growth < Design, vol. 17, pg. 4715-4725 (2017) DOI - Complex tunnel structure of new La 6 (Mo 2 O 7 )(MoO 4 ) 8 : crystal growth from flux and high structural complexity.
Colmont Marie, Leclercq Bastien, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Mendeleev Communications, vol. 27, pg. 592-594 (2017) DOI - Room-Temperature Wet Chemical Synthesis of Au NPs/TiH2/Nanocarved Ti Self-Supported Electrocatalysts for Highly Efficient H2 Generation.
Amin Mohammed A., Fadlallah Sahar A., Alosaimi Ghaida S., Ahmed Emad M., Mostafa Nasser Y., Roussel Pascal, Szunerits Sabine, Boukherroub Rabah. ACS Applied Materials < Interfaces, vol. 9, pg. 30115-30126 (2017) DOI - Synthesis of a large dodecameric cerium cluster stabilized by the [SiW 9 O 34 ] 10− polyoxometalate.
Duval Sylvain, Roussel Pascal, Loiseau Thierry. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, vol. 83, pg. 52-54 (2017) DOI - Topochemical Reduction of YMnO3 into a Composite Structure.
Kabbour Houria, Gauthier Gilles H., Tessier Franck, Huvé Marielle, Pussacq Tanguy, Roussel Pascal, Hayward Michael A., Moreno B. Zulma L., Marinova Maya, Colmont Marie, Colis Silviu, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 56, pg. 8547-8553 (2017) DOI - Gold(I)-Catalysed Asymmetric Hydroamination of Alkenes: A Silver- and Solvent-Dependent Enantiodivergent Reaction.
Abadie Marc-Antoine, Trivelli Xavier, Medina Florian, Duhal Nathalie, Kouach Mostafa, Linden Bernhard, Génin Eric, Vandewalle Maxence, Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal, Del Rosal Iker, Maron Laurent, Agbossou-Niedercorn Francine, Michon Christophe. Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 23, pg. 10777-10788 (2017) DOI - Synthesis and anti-proliferative activities of ruthenium complexes containing the hydrogen sulfide-releasing ligand GYY4137.
Leverrier A., Hilf M., Raynaud F., Deschamps P., Roussel Pascal, Tomas Alain, Galardon E. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, vol. 843, pg. 26-31 (2017) DOI - Strong Reduction of Thermal Conductivity and Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties in CoSbS1-xSex Paracostibite.
Chmielowski Radoslaw, Bhattacharya Sandip, Jacob Stéphane, Péré Daniel, Jacob Alain, Moriya Kenzo, Delatouche Bruno, Roussel Pascal, Madsen Georg, Dennler Gilles. Scientific Reports, vol. 7, pg. 46630 (2017) DOI - Sputtered Titanium Carbide Thick Film for High Areal Energy on Chip Carbon-Based Micro-Supercapacitors.
Létiche Manon, Brousse Kevin, Demortière Arnaud, Huang Peihua, Daffos Barbara, Pinaud Sébastien, Respaud Marc, Chaudret Bruno, Roussel Pascal, Buchaillot Lionel, Taberna Pierre Louis, Simon Patrice, Lethien Christophe. Advanced Functional Materials, pg. 1606813 (2017) DOI - Original positively charged nanoflakes by liquid exfoliation of layered oxybromide cobaltites.
Blazquez-Alcover I., Huvé M., Mocuta C., Thiaudière D., Roussel P., Pautrat A., Mentré O., Daviero-Minaud S. CrystEngComm, (2017) DOI - Atomic Layer Deposition of Functional Layers for on Chip 3D Li-Ion All Solid State Microbattery.
Létiche Manon, Eustache Etienne, Freixas Jeremy, Demortière Arnaud, De Andrade Vincent, Morgenroth Laurence, Tilmant Pascal, Vaurette François, Troadec David, Roussel Pascal, Brousse Thierry, Lethien Christophe. Advanced Energy Materials, pg. 1601402 (2017) DOI - Synthesis and preliminary study of pure and Zr-doped YMnO3 compounds as Solid Oxide Fuel Cells electrode.
Moreno Botello Zulma Liliana, Caneiro Alberto, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 690, pg. 348-355 (2017) DOI 2016- A Performant Dry Reforming Catalytic System Elaborated from the Reductive Decomposition of BaNi2
Guerrero-Caballero Jesus, Löfberg Axel, Mentré Olivier, Kane Tanushree, Pussacq Tanguy, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Trentesaux Martine, Gardoll Olivier, Kabbour Houria. ChemistrySelect, vol. 1, pg. 5633-5637 (2016) DOI - Evidence of Trivalent Am Substitution into U3O8.
Caisso Marie, Roussel Pascal, Den Auwer Christophe, Picart Sébastien, Hennig Christoph, Scheinost Andreas C., Delahaye Thibaud, Ayral André. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 55, pg. 10438-10444 (2016) DOI - Microstructure and local electrical investigation of lead-free α-La2WO6 ferroelectric thin films by piezoresponse force microscopy.
Carlier Thomas, Chambrier Marie-Hélène, Ferri Anthony, Bayart Alexandre, Roussel Pascal, Saitzek Sébastien, Desfeux Rachel. Thin Solid Films, vol. 617, pg. 76-81 (2016) DOI - Synthesis and preliminary study of the double perovskite NdBaMn2O5+δ as symmetric SOFC electrode material.
Pineda Oscar L., Moreno Zulma L., Roussel Pascal, Świerczek Konrad, Gauthier Gilles H. Solid State Ionics, vol. 288, pg. 61-67 (2016) DOI - Synthesis and preliminary study of La4BaCu5O13+δ and La6.4Sr1.6Cu8O20±δ ordered perovskites as SOFC/PCFC electrode materials.
Macias Mario A., Sandoval Mónica V., Martinez Nelson G., Vázquez-Cuadriello Santiago, Suescun Leopoldo, Roussel Pascal, Świerczek Konrad, Gauthier Gilles H. Solid State Ionics, vol. 288, pg. 68-75 (2016) DOI - Thiosemicarbazone modification of 3-acetyl coumarin inhibits Aβ peptide aggregation and protect against Aβ-induced cytotoxicity.
Ranade Dnyanesh S., Bapat Archika M., Ramteke Shefali N., Joshi Bimba N., Roussel Pascal, Tomas Alain, Deschamps Patrick, Kulkarni Prasad P. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 121, pg. 803-809 (2016) DOI - Crystal structures of five new substituted tetrahydro-1-benzazepines with potential antiparasitic activity.
Macías Mario A., Acosta Lina M., Sanabria Carlos M., Palma Alirio, Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H., Suescun Leopoldo. Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, vol. 72, pg. 363-372 (2016) DOI - Grinding and Milling: Two Efficient Methodologies in the Solvent-Free Phosphomolybdic Acid-Catalyzed and Mechanochemical Synthesis ofcis-4-Amido-N-yl-2-methyl-tetrahydroquinolines.
Kouznetsov Vladimir V., Merchán-Arenas Diego R., Martínez-Bonilla Carlos A., Macías Mario A., Roussel Pascal, Gauthier Gilles H. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, (2016) DOI - Growth ofc-Axis-Oriented BiCuSeO Thin Films Directly on Si Wafers.
Wu Xiaolin, Gao Linjie, Roussel Pascal, Dogheche Elhadj, Wang Jianglong, Fu Guangsheng, Wang Shufang, Wong-Ng W. K. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, (2016) DOI - Microwave-assisted synthesis of functionalized spirohydantoins as 3-D privileged fragments for scouting the chemical space.
Prevet Hugues, Flipo Marion, Roussel Pascal, Deprez Benoit, Willand Nicolas. Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 57, pg. 2888-2894 (2016) DOI - Hydrothermal preparation of MoS2/TiO2/Si nanowires composite with enhanced photocatalytic performance under visible light.
Hamdi Abderrahmane, Boussekey Luc, Roussel Pascal, Addad Ahmed, Ezzaouia Hatem, Boukherroub Rabah, Coffinier Yannick. Materials < Design, vol. 109, pg. 634-643 (2016) DOI - Influence of the pH over the condensation of tetravalent cerium cations for a Ce - [A-a-SiW9O34]10- association leading to the formation of {Ce6O4(OH)4} core..
Duval Sylvain, Trivelli Xavier, Roussel Pascal, Loiseau Thierry. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (2016) DOI - Host-sensitized luminescence properties of KLa5O5(VO4)2:Eu3+for solid-state lighting applications.
Colmont Marie, Saitzek Sébastien, Katelnikovas Arturas, Kabbour Houria, Olchowka Jacob, Roussel Pascal. J. Mater. Chem. C, (2016) DOI - Epitaxial growth and nanoscale electrical properties of Ce2Ti2O7thin films.
Bayart Alexandre, Shao ZhenMian, Ferri Anthony, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel, Saitzek Sébastien. RSC Adv., vol. 6, pg. 32994-33002 (2016) DOI - On the Use of Dynamical Diffraction Theory To Refine Crystal Structure from Electron Diffraction Data: Application to KLa5O5(VO4)2, a Material with Promising Luminescent Properties.
Colmont Marie, Palatinus Lukas, Huvé Marielle, Kabbour Houria, Saitzek Sébastien, Djelal Nora, Roussel Pascal. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 55, pg. 2252-2260 (2016) DOI - Mixed Allyl–Borohydride Lanthanide Complexes: Synthesis of Ln(BH4)2(C3H5)(THF)3(Ln = Nd, Sm), Characterization, and Reactivity toward Polymerization.
Fadlallah Sami, Terrier Michaël, Jones Chloe, Roussel Pascal, Bonnet Fanny, Visseaux Marc. Organometallics, vol. 35, pg. 456-461 (2016) DOI - The Nanocrystalline SnO2-TiO2System-Part I: Structural Features.
Miagava Joice, Rubbens Annick, Roussel Pascal, Navrotsky Alexandra, Castro Ricardo H. R., Gouvêa Douglas, Rohrer G. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 99, pg. 631-637 (2016) DOI - β-Diketiminate-supported magnesium alkyl: synthesis, structure and application as co-catalyst for polymerizations mediated by a lanthanum half-sandwich complex.
Georges Sébastien, Bonnet Fanny, Roussel Pascal, Visseaux Marc, Zinck Philippe. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, vol. 30, pg. 26-31 (2016) DOI 2015- Nanoscale structure refinement of pyroxenes using precession electron diffraction tomography.
Jacob Damien, Roussel Pascal, Palatinus Lukas, Tankeu Yvan Ngassa, Domeneghetti Chiara, Camara Fernando. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, vol. 71, pg. s304-s305 (2015) DOI - Evidence of ferroelectricity in La2Zr2O7thin films with a frustrated pyrochlore-type structure.
Roussel Pascal, Bayart Alexandre, Saitzek Sébastien, Shao Zhen-Mian, Ferri Anthony, Huvé Marielle, Desfeux Rachel. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, vol. 71, pg. s513-s513 (2015) DOI - Accurate structure refinement from electron diffraction tomography data.
Palatinus Lukáš, Correa Cinthia A., Boullay Philippe, Steciuk Gwladys, Gemmi Mauro, Jacob Damien, Klementová Mariana, Roussel Pascal. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, vol. 71, pg. s53-s53 (2015) DOI - CdCl3− vs CdCl42− in Hybrid Materials.
Boufas S., Mohamedi N., Bénard-Rocherullé P., Roussel P., Roisnel T. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 195, pg. 1639-1647 (2015) DOI - Control of gallium incorporation in sol–gel derived CuIn(1−x)GaxS2 thin films for photovoltaic applications.
Bourlier Yoan, Cristini Robbe Odile, Lethien Christophe, Roussel Pascal, Pastre Aymeric, Zegaoui Malek, Rolland Nathalie, Bouazaoui Mohamed, Bernard Rémy. Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 70, pg. 137-144 (2015) DOI - Structural analysis of strained LaVO3thin films.
Rotella H, Copie O, Steciuk G, Ouerdane H, Boullay P, Roussel P, Morales M, David A, Pautrat A, Mercey B, Lutterotti L, Chateigner D, Prellier W. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 27, pg. 175001 (2015) DOI - Determination of the absolute configuration of phosphinic analogues of glutamate.
Commare Bruno, Rigault Delphine, Lemasson Isabelle A., Deschamps Patrick, Tomas Alain, Roussel Pascal, Brabet Isabelle, Goudet Cyril, Pin Jean-Philippe, Leroux Frédéric R., Colobert Françoise, Acher Francine C. Org. Biomol. Chem., vol. 13, pg. 1106-1112 (2015) DOI - Mechanisms of formation of Al4Cu9 during mechanical alloying: An experimental study.
Besson R., Avettand-Fènoël M.-N., Thuinet L., Kwon J., Addad A., Roussel P., Legris A. Acta Materialia, vol. 87, pg. 216-224 (2015) DOI - Sputtered Titanium Nitride: A Bifunctional Material for Li-Ion Microbatteries.
Freixas J., Eustache E., Roussel P., Brillard C., Deresmes D., Nuns N., Rolland N., Brousse T., Lethien C. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 162, pg. A493-A500 (2015) DOI - Access to newly functionalized imidazole derivatives: efficient synthesis of novel 5-amino-2-thioimidazoles using propylphosphonic anhydride (®T3P).
Lasalle Manuel, Picon Sylvain, Boulahjar Rajaa, Hoguet Vanessa, Van Obbergen Jolien, Roussel Pascal, Deprez Benoit, Charton Julie. Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 56, pg. 1011-1014 (2015) DOI - Atomic layer deposition of epitaxial CeO2thin layers for faster surface hydrogen oxidation and faster bulk ceria reduction/reoxidation.
Marizy Adrien, Roussel Pascal, Ringuedé Armelle, Cassir Michel. J. Mater. Chem. A, vol. 3, pg. 10498-10503 (2015) DOI - BaCoO2.22: the most oxygen-deficient certified cubic perovskite.
Mentré Olivier, Iorgulescu Mihaela, Huvé Marielle, Kabbour Houria, Renaut Nicolas, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Colis Silviu, Roussel Pascal. Dalton Trans., vol. 44, pg. 10728-10737 (2015) DOI - Synthesis and properties of La0.05Ba0.95Ti1−xMyO3 (M=Mn, Ce) as anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells.
Périllat-Merceroz Cédric, Roussel Pascal, Capoen Edouard, Rosini Sébastien, Gélin Patrick, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Gauthier Gilles. Solid State Ionics, vol. 283, pg. 21-29 (2015) DOI - Reversible Exsolution of Nanometric Fe2O3Particles in BaFe2–x(PO4)2(0 ≤x≤ 2/3): The Logic of Vacancy Ordering in Novel Metal-Depleted Two-Dimensional Lattices.
Alcover Ignacio Blazquez, David Rénald, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Filimonov Dmitry, Huvé Marielle, Roussel Pascal, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Crystal Growth < Design, vol. 15, pg. 4237-4247 (2015) DOI - Structure refinement using precession electron diffraction tomography and dynamical diffraction: tests on experimental data.
Palatinus Lukáš, Corrêa Cinthia Antunes, Steciuk Gwladys, Jacob Damien, Roussel Pascal, Boullay Philippe, Klementová Mariana, Gemmi Mauro, Kopeček Jaromír, Domeneghetti M. Chiara, Cámara Fernando, Petříček Václav. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, vol. 71, pg. 740-751 (2015) DOI - Magnetic Co3O4/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite as a superior heterogeneous catalyst for one-pot oxidative esterification of aldehydes to methyl esters.
Panwar Vineeta, Al-Nafiey Amer, Addad Ahmed, Sieber Brigitte, Roussel Pascal, Boukherroub Rabah, Jain Suman L. RSC Adv., vol. 5, pg. 88567-88573 (2015) DOI - B-α-[AsW9O33]9−polyoxometalates incorporating hexanuclear uranium {U6O8}-like clusters bearing the UIVform or unprecedented mixed valence UIV/UVIinvolving direct UVIO–UIVbonding.
Duval Sylvain, Sobanska Sophie, Roussel Pascal, Loiseau Thierry. Dalton Trans., vol. 44, pg. 19772-19776 (2015) DOI - Lead-Free α-La2WO6Ferroelectric Thin Films.
Carlier Thomas, Chambrier Marie-Hélène, Ferri Anthony, Estradé Sonia, Blach Jean-François, Martín Gemma, Meziane Belkacem, Peiró Francesca, Roussel Pascal, Ponchel Freddy, Rèmiens Denis, Cornet Albert, Desfeux Rachel. ACS Applied Materials < Interfaces, vol. 7, pg. 24409-24418 (2015) DOI - Bis(phenolate)amine-supported lanthanide borohydride complexes for styrene and trans-1,4-isoprene (co-)polymerisations.
Bonnet Fanny, Dyer Hellen E., El Kinani Yassine, Dietz Carin, Roussel Pascal, Bria Marc, Visseaux Marc, Zinck Philippe, Mountford Philip. Dalton Trans., vol. 44, pg. 12312-12325 (2015) DOI - Effective piezoelectric coefficient measurement of BaTiO3 thin films using the X-ray diffraction technique under electric field available in a standard laboratory.
Thery Virginie, Bayart Alexandre, Blach Jean-François, Roussel Pascal, Saitzek Sébastien. Applied Surface Science, vol. 351, pg. 480-486 (2015) DOI - Novel La3Fe(MoO4)6phase: magnetic properties and ethanol reactivity.
Colmont Marie, Bucataru Georgiana, Borowiec Anita, Capron Mickaël, Dumeignil Franck, Huvé Marielle, Capet Frédéric, Damay Françoise, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Dalton Trans., vol. 44, pg. 14444-14452 (2015) DOI - Growth of Ca3Co4O9+δ thin film on sapphire substrate and CGO dense pellet by pulsed laser deposition. Structural, microstructural, surface and electrochemical characterizations.
Chambrier M.H., Huo D., Thoréton V., Rolle A., Mamède A.S., Estradé S., Blach J.F., Pirovano C., Daviero-Minaud S., Roussel P., Peiró F., Vannier R.N. Solid State Ionics, vol. 273, pg. 13-17 (2015) DOI - Theoretical and experimental investigations of the thermoelectric properties of Bi2S3.
Chmielowski Radoslaw, Péré Daniel, Bera Chandan, Opahle Ingo, Xie Wenjie, Jacob Stéphane, Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal, Weidenkaff Anke, Madsen Georg K. H., Dennler Gilles. Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 117, pg. 125103 (2015) DOI - Pure and Mn-doped La4SrTi5O17 layered perovskite as potential solid oxide fuel cell material: Structure and anodic performance.
Périllat-Merceroz Cédric, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Capoen Edouard, Rosini Sébastien, Gélin Patrick, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Gauthier Gilles H. Journal of Power Sources, vol. 274, pg. 806-815 (2015) DOI - Influence of the synthesis route on the formation of 12R/10H-polytypes and their magnetic properties within the Ba(Ce,Mn)O3family.
Macías Mario A., Mentré Olivier, Pirovano Caroline, Roussel Pascal, Colis Silviu, Gauthier Gilles H. New J. Chem., vol. 39, pg. 829-835 (2015) DOI 2014- Silicon-Microtube Scaffold Decorated with Anatase TiO2as a Negative Electrode for a 3D Litium-Ion Microbattery.
Eustache Etienne, Tilmant Pascal, Morgenroth Laurence, Roussel Pascal, Patriarche Gilles, Troadec David, Rolland Nathalie, Brousse Thierry, Lethien Christophe. Advanced Energy Materials, vol. 4, pg. 1301612 (2014) DOI - Use of Precession Electron and X Powder for solution and refinement of materials.
Colmont Marie, Palatinus Lukas, Huvé Marielle, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, vol. 70, pg. C927-C927 (2014) DOI - Self-irradiation and oxidation effects on americium sesquioxide and Raman spectroscopy studies of americium oxides.
Horlait Denis, Caraballo Richard, Lebreton Florent, Jégou Christophe, Roussel Pascal, Delahaye Thibaud. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 217, pg. 159-168 (2014) DOI - Are Binary Copper Sulfides/Selenides Really New and Promising Thermoelectric Materials?.
Dennler Gilles, Chmielowski Radoslaw, Jacob Stéphane, Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal, Zastrow Sebastian, Nielsch Kornelius, Opahle Ingo, Madsen Georg K. H. Advanced Energy Materials, vol. 4, pg. 1301581 (2014) DOI - Experimental Electron Density of Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate in the Paraelectric as well as Antiferroelectric Phases by the Maximum Entropy Method.
Choudhury Rajul Ranjan, Chitra R., Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal. Journal of Chemical Crystallography, vol. 44, pg. 586-596 (2014) DOI - Synthesis and characterization of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3 films for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell cathodes.
Dumaisnil K., Fasquelle D., Mascot M., Rolle A., Roussel P., Minaud S., Duponchel B., Vannier R.-N., Carru J.-C. Thin Solid Films, vol. 553, pg. 89-92 (2014) DOI - Microstructure and nanoscale piezoelectric/ferroelectric properties in Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln=La, Pr and Nd) oxide thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition.
Bayart Alexandre, Saitzek Sébastien, Ferri Anthony, Pouhet Raphaëlle, Chambrier Marie-Hélène, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel. Thin Solid Films, vol. 553, pg. 71-75 (2014) DOI - Labile Degree of Disorder in Bismuth-Oxophosphate Compounds: Illustration through Three New Structural Types.
Aliev A., Endara D., Huvé M., Colmont M., Roussel P., Delevoye L., Tran T.T., Halasyamani P.S., Mentré O. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 53, pg. 861-871 (2014) DOI - Sr4Ru6ClO18, a new Ru4+/5+ oxy-chloride, solved by precession electron diffraction: Electric and magnetic behavior.
Roussel Pascal, Palatinus Lukas, Belva Frédéric, Daviero-Minaud Sylvie, Mentre Olivier, Huve Marielle. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 212, pg. 99-106 (2014) DOI - Ferroelectricity in La2Zr2O7 thin films with a frustrated pyrochlore-type structure.
Saitzek Sébastien, Shao Zhenmian, Bayart Alexandre, Ferri Anthony, Huvé Marielle, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol. 2, pg. 4037 (2014) DOI - Asymmetric Intramolecular Hydroamination of Alkenes in Mild and Wet Conditions-Structure and Reactivity of Cationic Binuclear Gold(I) Catalysts.
Abadie Marc-Antoine, Trivelli Xavier, Medina Florian, Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal, Agbossou-Niedercorn Francine, Michon Christophe. ChemCatChem, vol. 6, pg. 2235-2239 (2014) DOI - Nanostructured gadolinium-doped ceria microsphere synthesis from ion exchange resin: Multi-scale in-situ studies of solid solution formation.
Caisso Marie, Lebreton Florent, Horlait Denis, Picart Sébastien, Martin Philippe M., Bès René, Renard Catherine, Roussel Pascal, Neuville Daniel R., Dardenne Kathy, Rothe Jörg, Delahaye Thibaud, Ayral André. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 218, pg. 155-163 (2014) DOI - Aminopolycarboxylate Bismuth(III)-Based Heterometallic Compounds as Single-Source Molecular Precursors for Bi4V2O11and Bi2CuO4Mixed Oxides.
Bulimestru Ion, Shova Sergiu, Popa Nelea, Roussel Pascal, Capet Frederic, Vannier Rose-Noelle, Djelal Nora, Burylo Laurence, Wignacourt Jean-Pierre, Gulea Aurelian, Whitmire Kenton H. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 26, pg. 6092-6103 (2014) DOI 2013- Atomic Layer Deposition, a Key Technique for Processing Thin-Layered SOFC Materials - Case Of Epitaxial Thin Layers of CeO2 Catalyst.
Marizy A., Desaunay T., Chery D., Roussel P., Ringuede A., Cassir M. ECS Transactions, vol. 57, pg. 983-990 (2013) DOI - The oxalic acid: 2-chloroacetamide crystallization: A new revelation.
Chitra R., Choudhury R. R., Capet Frederic, Roussel Pascal. AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, pg. 860-861 (2013) DOI - (t-BuC5H4)3Nd: A triscyclopentadienyl rare earth compound as non-classical isoprene polymerization pre-catalyst.
Rodrigues Ines, Xue Tan Yong, Roussel Pascal, Visseaux Marc. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, vol. 743, pg. 139-146 (2013) DOI - Catalytic Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of 3-Arylated Piperidin-2-ones.
Michon Christophe, Béthegnies Aurélien, Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal, de Filippis Arnault, Gomez-Pardo Domingo, Cossy Janine, Agbossou-Niedercorn Francine. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 22, pg. 4979-4985 (2013) DOI - New insights on the structure and reducibility of 3D versus 2D La/Sr titanates for SOFC anodes.
Périllat-Merceroz Cédric, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Capoen Edouard, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Gauthier Gilles. Solid State Ionics, vol. 247-248, pg. 76-85 (2013) DOI - Cyrhetrenyl chalcones: Synthesis, characterization and antimalarial evaluation.
Arancibia Rodrigo, Biot Christophe, Delaney Gerard, Roussel Pascal, Pascual Aurélie, Pradines Bruno, Klahn A. Hugo. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, vol. 723, pg. 143-148 (2013) DOI - Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as a versatile additive for the formation of metastable tetragonal zirconia exhibiting high thermal stability.
Bai Lei, Wyrwalski Frédéric, Machut Cécile, Roussel Pascal, Monflier Eric, Ponchel Anne. CrystEngComm, vol. 15, pg. 2076-2083 (2013) DOI - Tuning the catalytic properties of rare earth borohydrides for the polymerisation of isoprene.
Bonnet Fanny, Jones Chloe E., Semlali Sanaa, Bria Marc, Roussel Pascal, Visseaux Marc, Arnold Polly L. Dalton Transactions, vol. 42, pg. 790 (2013) DOI - Influence of the diamine on the reactivity of thiosulfonato ruthenium complexes with hydrosulfide (HS−).
Galardon Erwan, Daguet Hombeline, Deschamps Patrick, Roussel Pascal, Tomas Alain, Artaud Isabelle. Dalton Transactions, (2013) DOI - Dismantling the salen framework: design of new asymmetric silylcyanation catalysts.
Ternel Jérémy, Roussel Pascal, Agbossou-Niedercorn Francine, Gauvin Régis M. Catalysis Science < Technology, (2013) DOI - Mixed metallic Ba(Co,Mn)X0.2−xO3−δ (X=F, Cl) hexagonal perovskites.
Iorgulescu Mihaela, Roussel Pascal, Tancret Nathalie, Renaut Nicolas, Tiercelin Nicolas, Mentré Olivier. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 198, pg. 210-217 (2013) DOI - Microstructural investigations and nanoscale ferroelectric properties in lead-free Nd2Ti2O7 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition.
Bayart Alexandre, Saitzek Sébastien, Chambrier Marie-Hélène, Shao ZhenMian, Ferri Anthony, Huvé Marielle, Pouhet Raphaëlle, Tebano Antonello, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel. CrystEngComm, vol. 15, pg. 4341 (2013) DOI - Effect of deuteration: A new isotopic polymorph of glycine silver nitrate.
Chitra R., Choudhury R.R., Capet Frederic, Roussel Pascal, Bhatt Himal. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1049, pg. 27-35 (2013) DOI - Isolation of the Large {Actinide}38Poly-oxo Cluster with Uranium.
Falaise Clément, Volkringer Christophe, Vigier Jean-François, Beaurain Arnaud, Roussel Pascal, Rabu Pierre, Loiseau Thierry. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 135, pg. 15678-15681 (2013) DOI - XRD Monitoring of α Self-Irradiation in Uranium–Americium Mixed Oxides.
Horlait Denis, Lebreton Florent, Roussel Pascal, Delahaye Thibaud. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 52, pg. 14196-14204 (2013) DOI - Base-Promoted Expedient Access to Spiroisatins: Synthesis and Antitubercular Evaluation of 1H-1,2,3-Triazole-Tethered Spiroisatin–Ferrocene and Isatin–Ferrocene Conjugates.
Kumar Kewal, Biot Christophe, Carrère-Kremer Séverine, Kremer Laurent, Guérardel Yann, Roussel Pascal, Kumar Vipan. Organometallics, vol. 32, pg. 7386-7398 (2013) DOI - Structural and photoluminescence studies of highly crystalline un-annealed ZnO nanorods arrays synthesized by hydrothermal technique.
Gokarna Anisha, Kim Je-Hyung, Leroy Floriane, Patriarche Gilles, Roussel Pascal, Bougrioua Zahia, Rodriguez Christophe, Dogheche Elhadj, Cho Yong-Hoon. Journal of Luminescence, vol. 144, pg. 234-240 (2013) DOI - Structures and phases transition in hexylenediammonium pentachlorobismuthate (III) [NH3(CH2)6NH3]BiCl5 crystal.
Ouasri A., Jeghnou H., Rhandour A., Roussel P. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 200, pg. 22-29 (2013) DOI - Novel 1,2,4-Thiadiazole Derivatives: Crystal Structure, Conformational Analysis, Hydrogen Bond Networks, Calculations, and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Crystal Lattices.
Surov Artem O., Bui Cong Trinh, Proshin Alexey N., Roussel Pascal, Idrissi Abdenacer, Perlovich German L. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 117, pg. 10414-10429 (2013) DOI 2012- Inclusion of tetrabutylammonium cations in a chiral thiazolium/triflate network: Solid state and solution structural investigation.
Leclercq Loïc, Suisse Isabelle, Roussel Pascal, Agbossou-Niedercorn Francine. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1010, pg. 152-157 (2012) DOI - Evidence of ferroelectricity in metastable Sm2Ti2O7 thin film.
Shao ZhenMian, Saitzek Sébastien, Ferri Anthony, Rguiti Mohamed, Dupont Loïc, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel. Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, pg. 9806 (2012) DOI - α-Amino-Oximes Based on Optically Pure Limonene: A New Ligands Family for Ruthenium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation.
Ibn El Alami Mohammed Samir, El Amrani Mohamed Amin, Dahdouh Abdelaziz, Roussel Pascal, Suisse Isabelle, Mortreux André. Chirality, vol. 24, pg. 675-682 (2012) DOI - Stability limit of the layered-perovskite structure in Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln = lanthanide) thin films grown on (110)-oriented SrTiO3 substrates by the sol–gel route.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel. Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, pg. 24894 (2012) DOI - Investigation of microstructure in ferroelectric lead-free La2Ti2O7 thin film grown on (001)-SrTiO3 substrate.
Shao ZhenMian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Ferri Anthony, Mentré Olivier, Desfeux Rachel. CrystEngComm, vol. 14, pg. 6524 (2012) DOI - Synthesis of a FeIISH Complex Stabilized by an Intramolecular N–H···S Hydrogen Bond, Which Acts as a H2S Donor.
Galardon Erwan, Roger Thomas, Deschamps Patrick, Roussel Pascal, Tomas Alain, Artaud Isabelle. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, pg. 10068-10070 (2012) DOI - Sensing mechanism of hydrogen sensors based on palladium-loaded tungsten oxide (Pd–WO3).
Boudiba Abdelhamid, Roussel Pascal, Zhang Chao, Olivier Marie-Georges, Snyders Rony, Debliquy Marc. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (2012) DOI - X-ray, thermal and vibrational studies of two structural phases transition in hexylenediammonium pentachlorobismuthate (III) [NH3(CH2)6NH3]BiCl5.
Ouasri A., Jeghnou H., Rhandour A., Mazzah A., Roussel P. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1028, pg. 79-87 (2012) DOI - Characterization of Cobalt(III) Hydroxamic Acid Complexes Based on a Tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine Scaffold: Reactivity toward Cysteine Methyl Ester.
Alimi Mickael, Allam Anas, Selkti Mohamed, Tomas Alain, Roussel Pascal, Galardon Erwan, Artaud Isabelle. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, pg. 9350-9356 (2012) DOI - Hall-Effect Measurements of Sol–Gel Derived CuInS$_{2}$ Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications.
Bourlier Yoan, Bernard Rémy, Lethien Christophe, Roussel Pascal, Zegaoui Malek, Bouazaoui Mohamed, Rolland Nathalie, Rolland Paul Alain. Applied Physics Express, vol. 5, pg. 125801 (2012) DOI - Molecular interactions in 2-aminopyridinium malonate.
Chitra R., Capet F., Abraham G. J., Choudhury R. R., Roussel Pascal. Journal of Structural Chemistry, vol. 53, pg. 354-360 (2012) DOI - Mixed Metallic Ba(Co,Fe)X0.2O3−δ(X = F, Cl) Hexagonal Perovskites: Drastic Effect of Fe-Incorporation on Structural and Electronic Features.
Iorgulescu Mihaela, Roussel Pascal, Tancret Nathalie, Renault Nicolas, Porcher Florence, André Gilles, Kabbour Houria, Mentré Olivier. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 51, pg. 7598-7608 (2012) DOI - Controlled SnO2 nanocrystal growth in SiO2-SnO2 glass-ceramic monoliths.
Van Tran T. T., Si Bui T., Turrell S., Capoen B., Roussel P., Bouazaoui M., Ferrari M., Cristini O., Kinowski C. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, vol. 43, pg. 869-875 (2012) DOI 2011- Lamellar Titanates: A Breakthrough in the Search for New Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode Materials Operating on Methane.
Périllat-Merceroz Cédric, Roussel Pascal, Vannier Rose-Noëlle, Gélin Patrick, Rosini Sébastien, Gauthier Gilles. Advanced Energy Materials, vol. 1, pg. 573-576 (2011) DOI - Structural Characterization and Photoluminescent Properties of (La1-xSmx)2Ti2O7 Solid Solutions Synthesized by a Sol-Gel Route.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Blach Jean-François, Sayede Adlane, Roussel Pascal, Desfeux Rachel. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 2011, pg. 3569-3576 (2011) DOI - Effect of the dopant nature on the conductivity of oxygen overstoichiometric oxyapatites with controlled microstructures.
Guillot Stéphanie, Beaudet-Savignat Sophie, Lambert Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Vannier Rose-Noelle. Solid State Ionics, vol. 185, pg. 18-26 (2011) DOI - Quantification of MgO surface excess on the SnO2 nanoparticles and relationship with nanostability and growth.
Gouvêa Douglas, Pereira Gilberto J., Gengembre Léon, Steil Marlu C., Roussel Pascal, Rubbens Annick, Hidalgo Pilar, Castro Ricardo H.R. Applied Surface Science, vol. 257, pg. 4219-4226 (2011) DOI - Identification of the active species in the working alumina-supported cobalt catalyst under various conditions of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis.
Sadeqzadeh M., Karaca H., Safonova O.V., Fongarland P., Chambrey S., Roussel P., Griboval-Constant A., Lacroix M., Curulla-Ferré D., Luck F., Khodakov A.Y. Catalysis Today, vol. 164, pg. 62-67 (2011) DOI - Complete topological analysis of electron density obtained by maximum entropy method and its comparison with the theoretical electron density: A case study of 2-aminopyridinium maleate.
Choudhury Rajul Ranjan, Chitra R., Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 994, pg. 44-54 (2011) DOI - An uranyl citrate coordination polymer with a 3D open-framework involving uranyl cation-cation interactions.
Lhoste Jérôme, Henry Natacha, Roussel Pascal, Loiseau Thierry, Abraham Francis. Dalton Transactions, vol. 40, pg. 2422 (2011) DOI - Microstructure and Nanoscale Piezoelectric/Ferroelectric Properties in La2Ti2O7 Thin Films Grown on (110)-Oriented Doped Nb:SrTiO3 Substrates.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Ferri Anthony, Bruyer Émilie, Sayede Adlane, Rguiti Mohamed, Mentré Olivier, Desfeux Rachel. Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 13, pg. 961-969 (2011) DOI - Structure and catalytic performance of Pt-promoted alumina-supported cobalt catalysts under realistic conditions of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis.
Karaca Héline, Safonova Olga V., Chambrey Stéphane, Fongarland Pascal, Roussel Pascal, Griboval-Constant Anne, Lacroix Maxime, Khodakov Andrei Y. Journal of Catalysis, vol. 277, pg. 14-26 (2011) DOI - Local relaxation in lanthanum silicate oxyapatites by Raman scattering and MAS-NMR.
Guillot Stéphanie, Beaudet-Savignat Sophie, Lambert Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Tricot Gregory, Vannier Rose-Noelle, Rubbens Annick. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, vol. 42, pg. 1455-1461 (2011) DOI - Micro-patterning of LiPON and lithium iron phosphate material deposited onto silicon nanopillars array for lithium ion solid state 3D micro-battery.
Lethien C., Zegaoui M., Roussel P., Tilmant P., Rolland N., Rolland P.A. Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 88, pg. 3172-3177 (2011) DOI - Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of iodine-doped ZnO nanoflowers.
Barka-Bouaifel Fatiha, Sieber Brigitte, Bezzi Nacer, Benner Josef, Roussel Pascal, Boussekey Luc, Szunerits Sabine, Boukherroub Rabah. Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 21, pg. 10982 (2011) DOI - Crystal structure and vibrational studies of butylenediammonium pentachlorobismuthate (III) hydrate [NH3(CH2)4NH3]BiCl5⋅H2O.
Rhandour A., Ouasri A., Roussel P., Mazzah A. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 990, pg. 95-101 (2011) DOI - Crystallization of amorphous silicates far from equilibrium part II: Experimental insight into the key role of decoupled cation mobilities.
Gillot J., Roskosz M., Leroux H., Capet F., Roussel P. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 357, pg. 3467-3473 (2011) DOI - Synthesis, Stability, and Reactivity of [(TPA)Zn(SH)]+ in Aqueous and Organic Solutions.
Galardon Erwan, Tomas Alain, Roussel Pascal, Artaud Isabelle. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, pg. n/a-n/a (2011) DOI - A sharp change in the mineralogy of annealed protoplanetary dust at the glass transition temperature.
Roskosz M., Gillot J., Capet F., Roussel P., Leroux H. Astronomy < Astrophysics, vol. 529, pg. A111 (2011) DOI - Synthesis, structural characterization and biological activity against several human tumor cell lines of four rhenium(I) diseleno-ethers complexes: Re(CO)3Cl(PhSe(CH2)2SePh), Re(CO)3Cl(PhSe(CH2)3SePh), Re(CO)3Cl(HO2C–CH2Se(CH2)2SeCH2–CO2H) and Re(CO)3Cl(HO2C–CH2Se(CH2)3SeCH2–CO2H).
Kermagoret Anthony, Morgant Georges, d’Angelo Jean, Tomas Alain, Roussel Pascal, Bastian Gérard, Collery Philippe, Desmaële Didier. Polyhedron, vol. 30, pg. 347-353 (2011) DOI - Synthesis and Study of a Ce-Doped La/Sr Titanate for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode Operating Directly on Methane.
Périllat-Merceroz Cédric, Gauthier Gilles, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Gélin Patrick, Vannier Rose-Noëlle. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 23, pg. 1539-1550 (2011) DOI 2010- Spin-Flop Transition and Magnetocaloric Effect through Disconnected Magnetic Blocks in CoIII/CoIVOxybromides.
Toulemonde Olivier, Roussel Pascal, Isnard Olivier, André Gilles, Mentré Olivier. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 22, pg. 3807-3816 (2010) DOI - Structural and dielectric/ferroelectric properties of (La1−xNdx)2Ti2O7 synthesized by sol–gel route.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Mentré Olivier, Prihor Gheorghiu Felicia, Mitoseriu Liliana, Desfeux Rachel. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 183, pg. 1652-1662 (2010) DOI - Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal behavior of two hydrated forms of lanthanide phthalates Ln2(O2+C6H4–CO2)3(H2O) (Ln=Ce, Nd) and Nd2(O2C–C6H4–CO2)3(H2O)3.
Pizon David, Henry Natacha, Loiseau Thierry, Roussel Pascal, Abraham Francis. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 183, pg. 1943-1948 (2010) DOI - In situ XRD investigation of the evolution of alumina-supported cobalt catalysts under realistic conditions of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Karaca Héline, Hong Jingping, Fongarland Pascal, Roussel Pascal, Griboval-Constant Anne, Lacroix Maxime, Hortmann Kai, Safonova Olga V., Khodakov Andrei Y. Chemical Communications, vol. 46, pg. 788-790 (2010) DOI - Synthesis and characterization of Bi31Cr5O61.5, a new bismuth chromium oxide, potential mixed-ionic–electronic conductor for solid oxide fuel cells.
Colmont Marie, Drache Michel, Roussel Pascal. Journal of Power Sources, vol. 195, pg. 7207-7212 (2010) DOI - Facile Synthesis of Lanthanidocenes by the “Borohydride/Alkyl Route” and Their Application in Isoprene Polymerization.
Visseaux Marc, Terrier Michael, Mortreux André, Roussel Pascal. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 2010, pg. 2867-2876 (2010) DOI - Reversible coordinative chain transfer polymerization of styrene by rare earth borohydrides, chlorides/dialkylmagnesium systems.
Zinck Philippe, Valente Andreia, Bonnet Fanny, Violante Ana, Mortreux André, Visseaux Marc, Ilinca Simona, Duchateau Rob, Roussel Pascal. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol. 48, pg. 802-814 (2010) DOI - Solvent-free microwave-assisted Meyers’ lactamization.
Jida Mouhamad, Deprez-Poulain Rebecca, Malaquin Sandra, Roussel Pascal, Agbossou-Niedercorn Francine, Deprez Benoit, Laconde Guillaume. Green Chemistry, vol. 12, pg. 961 (2010) DOI - Inter- and Intramolecular Hydroamination of Unactivated Alkenes Catalysed by a Combination of Copper and Silver Salts: The Unveiling of a Brønstedt Acid Catalysis.
Michon Christophe, Medina Florian, Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal, Agbossou-Niedercorn Francine. Advanced Synthesis < Catalysis, vol. 352, pg. 3293-3305 (2010) DOI - Further studies on the lithium phosphorus oxynitride solid electrolyte.
Pichonat Tristan, Lethien Christophe, Tiercelin Nicolas, Godey Sylvie, Pichonat Emmanuelle, Roussel Pascal, Colmont Marie, Rolland Paul Alain. Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 123, pg. 231-235 (2010) DOI - An Alternate Route to Disulfanido Complexes by Nucleophilic Attack of Thiolates on Ruthenium-Bound Thiosulfonato Ligands.
Galardon Erwan, Deschamps Patrick, Tomas Alain, Roussel Pascal, Artaud Isabelle. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 49, pg. 9119-9121 (2010) DOI - Investigations of the effects of the growth of SnO2 nanoparticles on the structural properties of glass–ceramic planar waveguides using Raman and FTIR spectroscopies.
Van Tran T., Turrell S., Eddafi M., Capoen B., Bouazaoui M., Roussel P., Berneschi S., Righini G., Ferrari M., Bhaktha S.N.B., Cristini O., Kinowski C. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 976, pg. 314-319 (2010) DOI - Ba8Co2Mn6ClO22, a quasi-1D hexagonal perovskite polytype containing new 8H-blocks.
Iorgulescu Mihaela, Kabbour Houria, Tancret Nathalie, Mentré Olivier, Roussel Pascal. Chemical Communications, vol. 46, pg. 5271 (2010) DOI - Structural investigation of composite phases Ba1 +x[(NaxMn1 –x)O3] withxapprox. 2/7, 5/17 and 1/3; exotic Mn4.5+valence.
Roussel Pascal, Perez Olivier, Quarez Eric, Leligny Henri, Mentré Olivier. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, vol. 225, pg. 1-11 (2010) DOI 2009- Charge-density analysis of hydrogen-bonded complexes of glycine by the maximum entropy method.
Choudhury Rajul Ranjan, Roussel Pascal, Capet Frederic, Chitra R. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 938, pg. 229-237 (2009) DOI - [Ni(H2O)4]3[U(OH,H2O)(UO2)8O12(OH)3], crystal structure and comparison with uranium minerals with U3O8-type sheets.
Rivenet Murielle, Vigier Nicolas, Roussel Pascal, Abraham Francis. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 182, pg. 905-912 (2009) DOI - An easy sol–gel route for deposition of oriented Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln=La, Nd) films on SrTiO3 substrates.
Shao Zhenmian, Saitzek Sébastien, Roussel Pascal, Huvé Marielle, Desfeux Rachel, Mentré Olivier, Abraham Francis. Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 311, pg. 4134-4141 (2009) DOI - The incommensurately modulated crystal structure of β-Pb2BiVO6: interpretation of the phase transition α → β → δ and conduction properties of related materials.
Roussel Pascal, Labidi Olfa, Huve Marielle, Drache Michel, Wignacourt Jean-Pierre, Petricek Vaclav. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, vol. 65, pg. 416-425 (2009) DOI - Phase Transitions in the BiVO4-nPbO (n = 1, 2) System: Structural–Electrical Properties Relationships.
Wignacourt Jean-Pierre, Drache Michel, Labidi Olfa, Roussel Pascal. Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 38, pg. 113-118 (2009) DOI - Evidence of local defects in the oxygen excess apatite La9.67(SiO4)6O2.5 from high resolution neutron powder diffraction.
Guillot Stéphanie, Beaudet-Savignat Sophie, Lambert Sébastien, Vannier Rose-Noelle, Roussel Pascal, Porcher Florence. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 182, pg. 3358-3364 (2009) DOI - Ca3Co4O9−δ: A Thermoelectric Material for SOFC Cathode.
Nagasawa K., Daviero-Minaud S., Preux N., Rolle A., Roussel P., Nakatsugawa H., Mentré O. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 21, pg. 4738-4745 (2009) DOI - Unprecedented dual behaviour of a half-sandwich scandium-based initiator for both highly selective isoprene and styrene polymerisation.
Bonnet Fanny, Da Costa Violante Cristina, Roussel Pascal, Mortreux André, Visseaux Marc. Chemical Communications, pg. 3380 (2009) DOI - Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of (N-Doped) ZnO Nanostructures from a Dimethylformamide Aqueous Solution.
Sieber Brigitte, Liu Hongqin, Piret Gaëlle, Laureyns Jacky, Roussel Pascal, Gelloz Bernard, Szunerits Sabine, Boukherroub Rabah. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 113, pg. 13643-13650 (2009) DOI - Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of ZnO nanostructures.
Liu Hongqin, Piret Gaëlle, Sieber Brigitte, Laureyns Jacky, Roussel Pascal, Xu Wenguo, Boukherroub Rabah, Szunerits Sabine. Electrochemistry Communications, vol. 11, pg. 945-949 (2009) DOI - 2,6-Diphenylthiazolo[3,2-b][1,2,4]triazoles as telomeric G-quadruplex stabilizers.
El Bakali Jamal, Klupsch Frédérique, Guédin Aurore, Brassart Bertrand, Fontaine Gaëlle, Farce Amaury, Roussel Pascal, Houssin Raymond, Bernier Jean-Luc, Chavatte Philippe, Mergny Jean-Louis, Riou Jean-François, Hénichart Jean-Pierre. Bioorganic < Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol. 19, pg. 3434-3438 (2009) DOI - Influence of carboxamido nitrogen donors on the redox potential of copper(III) complexes.
Desbenoit Nicolas, Galardon Erwan, Roussel Pascal, Artaud Isabelle, Tomas Alain. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, vol. 62, pg. 2472-2479 (2009) DOI - New fluorescent zinc complexes: towards specific sensors for hydrogen sulfide in solution.
Galardon Erwan, Tomas Alain, Roussel Pascal, Artaud Isabelle. Dalton Transactions, pg. 9126 (2009) DOI - Controlled Growth of SnO2Nanocrystals in Eu3+-Doped SiO2−SnO2Planar Waveguides: A Spectroscopic Investigation.
Bhaktha B. N. Shivakiran, Kinowski Christophe, Bouazaoui Mohamed, Capoen Bruno, Robbe-Cristini Odile, Beclin Franck, Roussel Pascal, Ferrari Maurizio, Turrell Sylvia. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 113, pg. 21555-21559 (2009) DOI - Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Alkyldisulfanido Zinc Complexes.
Galardon Erwan, Tomas Alain, Selkti Mohamed, Roussel Pascal, Artaud Isabelle. Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 48, pg. 5921-5927 (2009) DOI - Molecular interactions in the anomalous salt: 2-Aminopyridinium maleate maleic acid.
Chitra R., Roussel Pascal, Capet Frederic, Murli Chitra, Choudhury R.R. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 923, pg. 45-52 (2009) DOI - SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF PROTOPLANETARY DISKS PROBED BY ANNEALING EXPERIMENTS REFLECTINGSPITZEROBSERVATIONS.
Roskosz Mathieu, Gillot Jessy, Capet Frédéric, Roussel Pascal, Leroux Hugues. The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 707, pg. L174-L178 (2009) DOI 2008- Oxidation kinetics of Ni metallic films: Formation of NiO-based resistive switching structures.
Courtade L., Turquat Ch., Muller Ch., Lisoni J.G., Goux L., Wouters D.J., Goguenheim D., Roussel P., Ortega L. Thin Solid Films, vol. 516, pg. 4083-4092 (2008) DOI - Synthesis and characterization of mononuclear hydroxamato and hydroximato complexes of iron(iii) based on the tris-(2-pyridylmethyl)amine ligand.
Galardon Erwan, Selkti Mohamed, Roussel Pascal, Tomas Alain, Artaud Isabelle. Dalton Transactions, vol. 45, pg. 6415 (2008) DOI - 2-Aminopyridinium maleate: A structural study.
Chitra R., Roussel Pascal, Capet Fredric, Murli Chitra, Choudhury R.R. Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 891, pg. 103-109 (2008) DOI - (MBi)46V8Oy-family type (M=Pb, Sr, Ca, Cd, Na0.5Bi0.5): Syntheses, crystal structures and conductivity properties.
Labidi Olfa, Drache Michel, Roussel Pascal, Wignacourt Jean-Pierre. Solid State Sciences, vol. 10, pg. 1074-1082 (2008) DOI - Overview of Electrons and Orbitals in a Nearly One-Dimensional Co3+/Co4+System.
Kauffmann Matthieu, Mentré Olivier, Legris Alexandre, Hébert Sylvie, Pautrat Alain, Roussel Pascal. Chemistry of Materials, vol. 20, pg. 1741-1749 (2008) DOI - Structure, dimensionality and magnetism of new cobalt oxyhalides.
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